RedSea Reefer 350 (Video) No Water Changes 2 years

Looks nice, could you tell us a bit more info of the tank ???

Red Sea Reefer approx 2.5 years old. When I first setup the tank approx 6 months into the system LADWP had issues with Chlorimines in the water and I lost a ton of stuff as did a lot of friends in the valley we live in. At that point I stopped doing water changes for what I expected to be a month or two. Two months turned into 2 years and the tank has never been better.

I run a biodenitrator which I feel is the key to my success. I dose 5 ml per day of 2 part solution and Acro Power for aminos. This is all done on a bubble magus doser. I have a curve 7 protein skinner with a self cleaning head that drains into a hold tank I empty every 2-3 months.

Feed fish 1 time per day 5 cubes of frozen and clip seaweed a few times a week.

This is a MOSTLY softie tank and it's grown like crazy for the past 2 years. I haven't added anything new in we'll over a year due to space restrictions on the tank.

Lighting is 2 Gen 4 Radions using the AB+ Pre programmed cycle. Lights ramp up from 7am-12-pm / full 12-5 / ramp down 5-9pm