redtop03's 360 gallon plywood adventure

Well, it's dirt cheap, and if it worked for you that's good enough for me.

Which hardener did you use, and how long did you wait between coats? Did you have to sand?

I just bought 2 of the 1.3gal kits,I think it's the medium speed hardener that comes with the kit,I think it was about 2 hrs between coats,it really depends on the temperature as to how quick it sets up,at about 90 degs it'll set up a lot faster than at 70degs.....if you apply each coat within a certain amount of time,you don't have to sand,it seem like you have a 24 hr window for that,also,it don't have that waxy film after it cures like I've heard that some of the other epoxy final coat was lightly sanded before I painted the sweetwater epoxy paint and each coat of sweetwater was lightly sanded....the sweetwater epoxy is some wicked stuff,you'll need to be outside or have a good ventilation system in place.....I'm pretty sure I lost some brain cells during the epoxy painting :crazy1: :lol:
Any new updates Willie?

I about missed this post :lol: I've not done anything else to the tank,just haven't had the money,I did restack some of my rock and have added a few colt coral frags that a local reefer gave me,I guess it's been a while since I've posted some I'll throw some newer pics in here :lol:

before I restacked my rock


and here's after


and a few more close ups





here's some top down comparison pics of my orange monti cap....

this was when I first placed it in the tank


I have since moved it to a better location,it is turned slightly different to the first pic but you can see the extra 1/2" or so of new growth around the edges


is this decent growth for about 2 1/2 months ?
hey, willie anyupdates? hows the tank holding up any problems arise?

tank is still doing great,it'll soon be a year old....sorry it took me so long to reply,haven't been on here in a while....

had a little mishap after a water change and sump cleaning,when I put my heaters back in,without noticing,I let 1 of the power cords get on my ATO float valve and held it down until I had about 3 gallons too much ro/di water in my sump,I didn't have a flood but it dropped my sg didn't seem to bother anything in the tank thankfully....I gotta get it back in check though....I try to keep it at 1.026 but it dropped to 1.023
way over due photo update :D

tank is over 3 years old now and still doing great



right side


left side


a few random up close shots



I built a 520 gallon plywood tank in 1983 with a 250 gallon sump under it. Sold them about 20 years later and they still looked new when taken apart and put in a UHaul. MDO plywood, 4 coats of black gloss PalGard.