Reef Central Members--TAKE NOTE!!

Larry M

Moved On
Just as another benefit of membership to this fine board, we now have our own official wet/dry vac--available for shipping around the world at a moments notice. :)


Larry M

See my tanks at Northern Reef
Good deal Larry, can we clone these? some of us seem to have terminal IforgottoturnoffROitis :D
Hope things are settling down there

Reef as though your life depended on it, yours might but the sea's does.........Doug ReefTank administrator
i don't know how you get those clear pictures.
i have my shopvac always ready. i once dropped a 5 gal bucket or water down to the neighbors ceiling when i lived in an apt. so i know the security it brings. good luck with the cleanup Larry.
Sometimes I think a good shop vac is the single most important tool for any aquarist ;) Larry, I assume you christened it :D Glad to see your sense of humor survived intact.


If damsels grew as big as sharks, the sharks would run in fear!
My dive photos
ICQ 56222784
I think you're on to something. This could become an integral part of Reef Central. Kind of like those forest-fighters who parachute out of planes, we could have a FedEx'd House-Recovery-Package for the unfortunate.
I think we should add sponges and, well, keep a list of what you use.
Yessir, take a look at all that on-board storage--perfect for a bottle of fine Canadian Whisky or a premium 12-pack. Both essentials for work like this. I do believe horge is working on a Reef-Vac logo.

Yep, the clean-up is done, the carpet layer and carpet cleaners were here this afternoon, now it's dry time again. Another night out while the rug dries. :)

Then it's time for phase three: withdrawals. I hear they can get ugly.

Larry M

See my tanks at Northern Reef
Glad you kept your sense of humor after the disaster! I think many of us may use this service from time to time! :D You may need a whole fleet of these things!


Dick :)
This situation just made me change my plans on a new 125. To be honest ive had 4 AllGlass tanks with no problems I now wonder if yours was a defect,your mistake or if the quality is down. Im hoping it was just a defect.
Good luck with the new 180 Larry

I'm anxiously awaiting to hear that you got the check they promised. I hope all's well with you.

Here Joyce, see if this works....


I wonder if the vac's strong enough to help Larry suck in his gut, :D :D

Uh, oh. I see Larry turning that monster on and pointing it at me!!! HELPPPPP!!!!! :eek: :eek: :eek:
Holy Guano Horge, I can barely see to write this I am ROTFLMFAOPMPCGU :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
That is way too freakin funny Dude :cool:

Reef as though your life depended on it, yours might but the sea's does.........Doug ReefTank administrator
I'm sitting here cackling like a fool :D :D. Thanks Horge! Larry, welcome back and I'm glad to see you're in better spirits!!! Keep on laughin'


"By the sea, by the sea, by the beautiful sea..."
I cant wait to see what larry has to say.

that huge sucking techological wetvac is no match to the power of the force... ;)

Please BUY captive bred marine life...
My website: Moon Tide Reefs
Too funny!!

The folks at work are all looking at me wondering what the heck is so dammed funny!!!

Anyway - the next post I want to see is the one where Larry says he can't stand it anymore and he's setting up a new tank!!!
