Hey Folks! I hope everyone's doing okay tonight.
Having spent a lot of time around conference room tables, dealing with board members and senior executives, here’s a little advise I’ve learned & given before, for whatever its worth:
Relax. No one thing is so important that it’s insurmountable.
Bill, you had originally asked:
1) What would it take to get you to be more active in the club meetings?
2) If you are not a current Reef Club member here, what would influence you to join?
Q) What would it take to get you to be more active in the club meetings?
A) I agree that proximity is a very real barrier to many folks. Ergo, at our next meeting, we will sit down and plot out the year. If someone has to fall off, then it’ll be their responsibility (with the Club in support) to find a replacements. That way, we could mix it up. Humboldt one month, Germantown the next, Jackson, then South Haven, and so on.
As to Monthly dues? Sorry, that’s non-starter. Cathy has enough accounting on her plate now and this is a volunteer lead deal, so we have to invoke the K.I.S.S. method.
I agree that having the meetings at people’s homes is critical for all the aforementioned reasons. Not only that, but I like to see people’s unique set-ups and visit them “where they liveâ€Â.
I’ve missed several meetings just because my family pulls me in different directions, so perhaps we could broach the subject of alternate meeting Days, seeing as though we only meet for a couple hours anyway. At least once in a while, (every forth month â€"œ pick a number), host on a Friday night or a Sunday afternoon instead? I dunno.
Q) If you are not a current Reef Club member here, what would influence you to join?
A) Certainly not petty bickering.
Look, clearly THIS tribe of people has a well-spring of knowledge to share. Generally, most people are motivated by self-fulfillment: Money, food, sex and having a good time. (Sorry, just being real folks!)
Seeing as though everything about this hobby Costs Money, I’m losing out on sex, and I refuse to concede food, so that only leaves the Good Times, a.k.a. â€"œ Information, knowledge, experiences, sharing of ideas.
So, I like the idea of planned workshops to convey those notions personally. I drove to Tracy’s house, because I truly wanted to see his 150 cube. That kinda thing.
My point in all this is: a little proper planning and the right communication will yield the desired promotion.
Another thing: There are two types of Club Members: Seekers and Committed members (my word, I sound like the Evangelism Committee at church!) But it’s true! I personally joined the club initially, because of the discount at Kermit’s Reef. (Again: the Money element) But that was then.
Now, I’m really into gaining more knowledge through other people’s experiences, trials and successes.
Newbie’s who are stupid enough to drop $1,000 or more on a new set-up and NOT invest their time to figure out how to operate and sustain their investment, should exit the hobby.
But WE need to reach them, before they burn-out inn order to sustain their success, because they probalby don't really have a clue in the beginning anyway.
The balance of other, more experienced folks may not yet PERCEIVE the value, so it is incumbent upon us (Club Members and "salty" veterans) to explain it to them. Show them the benefits.
Look, if we get people to the meeting's and see our tanks, they'll WANT to stay, because then we'll have a "personal relationship" to them. (The hardest meeting I went to, was the first one!)
The LFS(s) could also assist us (and themselves) in promoting the WTMRAC by having all non-members, sign a Guest Book at their cash registers. I know for fact that neither one is truly keeping a Customer Master (file), so WE should, for OUTREACH purposes:
“Hey Sam, I understand you bought a 36-gallon Bow front from Kermit’s last week. Do you know about the (pick a subject) “Frag demonstration†coming up next week with our local Club?â€Â
“What? You didn’t know about the Meeting because you were too excited about your new tank? Here, jot down this website / thread and have a look, then call me………â€Â
So my bright idea (Thank you for finally getting to the point already!) was to have the meeting (occasionally) as a day-time Workshop, sponsored by the Club, but held at our two primary benefactors: Kermit’s Reef & MemFish; in order to take the Meeting TO the People (with Dave & Richards support, of course).
We could do it as a Tent deal, outside their premises, so as not to disrupt their business, but honestly. How much added revenue would those two shops yield, by stirring up more local excitement, every once in a while? We’re all gong to be there anyways!!!!
Why can’t we do smaller events, rather than the Mother Frag Swap, once a year?
P.S. - The written word is normally perceived negatively, so can you hear me Smiling??
(I’ll hang up now and listen for my answer. Thanks Coach.)