Reef Ilhabela I

I used 10mm glass, took all the clowns that reef and passed to another.
put in another reef anemones 5 more and I put a bunch of clowns

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That's what i call a simple tank but well done....Brazilian people can do miracle without a lot technologies... "O jeitinho Brasileiro" i love the tank; i wish i could have the ocean right in front of my house... you must have a back up power to run your system right? because i know brasil has a lot blackouts.

Meus parabens seu tank e simplemente lindo..
we have more blackouts, so when we had little rain and water levels of rivers were low and that the hydroelectric plants operated at low operation.
we only have problems here when we have storms, once a ship broke the power cable and submarine stayed 3 days without light, but it happened in 1983 and I had not reef.
My idea now is to dismantle the two reefs and set up a reef of 6 meters, instead of two and integrate the equipment I have.
but still lack the money
I have not, I have 6 hours with no light and I was desperate

wow i think you should get some power back up man. 6 hours without power could do a big damage to your tank... you electric bill must be high in the sky ;), cause i know electricity in brasil is expensive...

voce tem powerheads? pq tem como usa baterias de moto pra coloca power nelas q vai dura algumas horas pro flow no tank...
when I ran out of light I got a bilge pump boat and called in my car with a wire 20 meters and placed inside the reef.
did it to circulate water only, and it worked very well, but had to leave the car running

when I ran out of light I got a bilge pump boat and called in my car with a wire 20 meters and placed inside the reef.
did it to circulate water only, and it worked very well, but had to leave the car running

LOL hehehe that's what i'm talking about it....;);) o jeitinho brasileiro... that's really funny right; we gotta do what we can to survive. where is ilhabela in brasil maybe next time when i'm down there i would probably stop by to eat at your restaurant and check you tank out.

minha familia e de brasilia...