Reef Savvy/St Judes 100 Gallon Dream Tank Giveaway

I bought a 30 gallon tote from wally-world and filled it with my 100 lbs of Marco Rocks. This rock looks amazing! They even included several large pieces cut with a flat bottom for the start of a good foundation. So far I am impressed. I didn't go with an acid or vinegar bath. I am simply going to let it cycle and cure in this tub for a good while. I pre-rinsed it in RO water and threw it in my tub with my 1.025 water. In a week or so, I will add a few small pieces of LR to seed this batch.

Is anyone else out there using this Marco Rock? If so, how do you like it? I am excited to try it out, but I am not too fond of the sterile look it will have in the beginning stages.

Tonight was another mile-stone... finally got my light bracket mocked up. It's constructed from 1" square aluminum tube. I still need to paint it black and tidy up the wires. Things should start moving along nicely now. What I learned tonight is that LED's look way better in person and do not photograph well.

Are you getting any major phosphates off that Marcos rock just wondering because I have read some people have had issues with leaching. Setup is looking really nice can't wait to see it get wet.
Are you getting any major phosphates off that Marcos rock just wondering because I have read some people have had issues with leaching. Setup is looking really nice can't wait to see it get wet.

The Marco rock has only been wet for 1 week now. I haven't tested the water yet to be honest. I did a water change on it last night and threw in a small bag of carbon. I'll probably start testing the water in another 2 weeks.