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The sail Boat in question is a 70' Motor Sailor, I know there is a few large luxury yachts with tanks, many larger than the systems we have in our homes, even a few that employ full time divers..... This is not one of them.... Budget is around 10k. The tank Will be 40-60 gal full reef ,the total water volume to be under 100 gal, I'm thinking 36LX20DX24H (not set in stone)the Boat is 70' and is over 70 tons, so weight is not an issue, We have water storage for 3000 gal of fuel and water. In fact for every ton we drop 1/2 inch into the water. More or less the issues of design is centered around the power structure, Feeding and the Stainless Port needed to access the tank. I will have 2-4 Solar panels that can generate 400w, but that's peak, so I would rate them less, We will be using DC only equipment, and since most items are DC and then inverted to AC we will have a bit better power consumption than of normal reef equipment. There will be a dedicated 4 battery bank to store power and I also can add a small wind turbine to the grid to supplement the power consumption.
The boat caries a 1000gpd Water maker, A pressurized RO unit and advanced water filtering system. The tank will need to have access for maintenance and such, that will be done from a port hole on the cabin top. The port hole is cast 316 Stainless 10X20 from New Found Metals. This will give me a way to lock it down in rough seas and it will allow natural day light into the tank. A breather tube will draw air form the cabin to excange the CO2 gasses and the exhaust of air will be routed to the out side of the boat, Sea water will be first go through a UV sterilizer and slowly added into the tank, a simple over flow will allow excess water to go back into the sea. I will supplement the light with Water proof LED lighting that will encircle the port light. Filtration will be done with live rock and a Large ATS that will run from floor to ceiling (7') powered by more LED lights and flow back into the tank will be done by an air lift by an air stone much in the way the old UG filters operated, but this will be from the floor or lower (up to 12') to send the water back into the tank, 2 DC Tunze streams will create flow. Tank Cooling will be done with the existing refrigeration system that is located under the tank in a separate refrigeration equipment room.and does not need additional power consumption. Heating will be a 25-50 Watt heater. I could use the heat generated by the refrigeration equipment. But on a cold day they will not go on much, So I will still add a heater. a metering pump will add additives. A small controller will keep the system running.
So As I see it a few issues... Budget not withstanding.
1. Electrical, can I get all this equipment under 200w-300 continuous
2. Stainless Port lights, are they going to be an issue?
3. fish feeder, can I make one that is water proof? The fish tank wont have easy access from the inside of the boat, unless I add another small port, but even then we will not be on the boat every day, so a feeder is still needed.
4. do fish get Sea Sick?
Any real knowledge along these lines will surly help. I have built many tanks, tested and designed equipment for the aquarium trade for the last 35 years, Engineering back ground, and can build anything off a cocktail napkin... that said there is just some things that need to be a bit thought out better. This is not a futile exercise in arm chair planing, I have gutted 2 floors to make room for a mezzanine Steering station, We are removing the mast and Deck stepping it, the new large beams are being made as I write, and will start to be fitted in the up coming weeks, A full commercial galley is being installed and Granite counter, unmatched by anyone homes are being shipped in.
Current tank is a 600gal total 1000gal full reef with a 24' skimmer, 240w Scrubber, and a automated airless 100g dump system every 30 seconds.
The boat caries a 1000gpd Water maker, A pressurized RO unit and advanced water filtering system. The tank will need to have access for maintenance and such, that will be done from a port hole on the cabin top. The port hole is cast 316 Stainless 10X20 from New Found Metals. This will give me a way to lock it down in rough seas and it will allow natural day light into the tank. A breather tube will draw air form the cabin to excange the CO2 gasses and the exhaust of air will be routed to the out side of the boat, Sea water will be first go through a UV sterilizer and slowly added into the tank, a simple over flow will allow excess water to go back into the sea. I will supplement the light with Water proof LED lighting that will encircle the port light. Filtration will be done with live rock and a Large ATS that will run from floor to ceiling (7') powered by more LED lights and flow back into the tank will be done by an air lift by an air stone much in the way the old UG filters operated, but this will be from the floor or lower (up to 12') to send the water back into the tank, 2 DC Tunze streams will create flow. Tank Cooling will be done with the existing refrigeration system that is located under the tank in a separate refrigeration equipment room.and does not need additional power consumption. Heating will be a 25-50 Watt heater. I could use the heat generated by the refrigeration equipment. But on a cold day they will not go on much, So I will still add a heater. a metering pump will add additives. A small controller will keep the system running.
So As I see it a few issues... Budget not withstanding.
1. Electrical, can I get all this equipment under 200w-300 continuous
2. Stainless Port lights, are they going to be an issue?
3. fish feeder, can I make one that is water proof? The fish tank wont have easy access from the inside of the boat, unless I add another small port, but even then we will not be on the boat every day, so a feeder is still needed.
4. do fish get Sea Sick?
Any real knowledge along these lines will surly help. I have built many tanks, tested and designed equipment for the aquarium trade for the last 35 years, Engineering back ground, and can build anything off a cocktail napkin... that said there is just some things that need to be a bit thought out better. This is not a futile exercise in arm chair planing, I have gutted 2 floors to make room for a mezzanine Steering station, We are removing the mast and Deck stepping it, the new large beams are being made as I write, and will start to be fitted in the up coming weeks, A full commercial galley is being installed and Granite counter, unmatched by anyone homes are being shipped in.
Current tank is a 600gal total 1000gal full reef with a 24' skimmer, 240w Scrubber, and a automated airless 100g dump system every 30 seconds.