Moved On
I am going to order from reeftopia soon, and wanted to see if anyone wanted to get in on it? I didn't make the last one, I am sure there are others who didn't either, so let me know if your interested. I am considering getting:
Turbo Astrae Snails (300 @ .45) $135 (I'd only want 150-200)
Nerite Snails (40 @ 1.75) $70
I really don't know what to get. I have a BB tank so I don't need nassarius snails, I am not a fan of hermits because they eat snails! I could use some emerald crabs but still unsure of how reef safe they are. I just need snails to clean my glass (acrylic) and the rock, any suggestions? Tank is 110g with 30g sump and 20g fuge (don't need any cleaners in the fuge though). I have about 300lbs of liverock as well.
Turbo Astrae Snails (300 @ .45) $135 (I'd only want 150-200)
Nerite Snails (40 @ 1.75) $70
I really don't know what to get. I have a BB tank so I don't need nassarius snails, I am not a fan of hermits because they eat snails! I could use some emerald crabs but still unsure of how reef safe they are. I just need snails to clean my glass (acrylic) and the rock, any suggestions? Tank is 110g with 30g sump and 20g fuge (don't need any cleaners in the fuge though). I have about 300lbs of liverock as well.