awesome xenia tank. I am new to reef central but not to reefkeeping. I have to tell you, though. The attitude which is pervasive, not by everybody but quite frequently found in many threads, is something I wouldn't have expected to find here. We're talking fish and corals here. Is it really a problem for you to try to help somebody out? And, why would you even bother posting something terse and unhelpful. I just posted on a thread that had an unfortunate title. "My regal angel is squirting." Yeah. That's a pretty bad way to start off a thread. But, some guy gets on and starts scolding the guy for killing fish and then makes a crack about his mother? Being a student of philosophy and ethics, it is a pretty absurd thing to get on anyone's case in a hobbyist forum for killing a fish while maintaining that you love them. The best hobbyist has killed more than his share and, while we are not the problem for reefs in the macro sense, it is pretty crazy to get on a public forum and protest someone else's murderous ways. If we assume everyone's intent is that of a hobbyist, then why speak to someone as if they were not likewise intentioned? But, again, truthfully (erg), the problem arises from the idea that we love these animals. We do not. We cannot. Otherwise, we would leave them alone. We love their colors and their majesty and we would do the same thing to a sunset if we could catch it, no matter how brown it turned. Mix a little of this confused intent, a little anonymity, and maybe, may I say, even a little guilt. (At least, I hope there is some out there) And, well, you've got people running around talking like they know something. I care for lots of fish and lots of corals and have spent lots of time in classrooms and really know very little. I'm not trying to end on some bland epistemological statement but the best of what we know really amounts to little more than this in and that out and how do we treat the disfunction along the way. We "know," in the sense of knowing a being, absolutely nothing of what we profess to "love" and, in general, couldn't care less. That said, don't take it too seriously. It's pretty. You want it. Buy it and do your best to keep it alive. As an admittedly new member, I'd like this to be the kind of place that can help you keep it alive for its sake and yours.