Reeflo/Sequence Skimmer Club

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=13034848#post13034848 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Cristina_j

did you get a chance to try it with the water level a little lower?
no, hoping to tonight!

still think it weired that both meters are correct on the amps and correct on watts on my drillgun, but different results on watts for the skimmer :confused: :confused:
Ok, i turned the wedge pipe so the water was just below the black flange and it changed my watts by 3
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=13027387#post13027387 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by JRaquatics
Yes the valve is 3/8 pipe thread. You will need a 3/8 thread to 1/2 hose (barb).

I double ckd mine tonight and its definetly 1/4" thread not 3/8"
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=13040660#post13040660 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by wizsmaster
down, right?

how about Air Pull.

yes, down! the Air pull was ~ the same
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=13040989#post13040989 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by benf
I double ckd mine tonight and its definetly 1/4" thread not 3/8"
you have the old venturi then i'm guessing?!
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=13040989#post13040989 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by benf
I double ckd mine tonight and its definetly 1/4" thread not 3/8"

Yeah I picked up a 3/8th today without checking and it doesn't fit mine either.

benf, on your wattage issues, check your venturi and valve. I don't know if you have, but I let mine run for a while without messing with it at all. I noticed today my watts had climbed to about 165 and I had a decent amount of salt creep inside the venturi. After a quick clean, it was back to normal. My typical routine is to suck down some RO/DI when I clean the cup, but I've been just letting everything go to see what all happened.

Could be coincidence or just due to me not doing normal maintenance. With all the additional air flow, I wonder if it's creating some splashing in there that is different now. I might have to build a solenoid/pump system to inject water once a day for fun ;)
i guess my next upgrade will be a new venturi(3/8") I need to replace mine anyway since i cracked it awhile ago using too much teflon tape on the valve. Curious how much airflow increase the larger size will give me and what it will do to my watts.

As of today though i no longer use the valve cause i was able to get a 1/4" to 1/2" hose barb.
I'm pulling monster numbers with the old venturi though (if 1/4" is the sign of the old), but I have a dart gold.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=13041698#post13041698 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by RokleM
I'm pulling monster numbers with the old venturi though (if 1/4" is the sign of the old), but I have a dart gold.

Curious if u tried a second air meter and watt meter to verify. Your air numbers are so much higher than mine. I think thats even higher than Mike.
No, only have one watt and airmeter. The numbers were also off the disassembled air valve, which obviously isn't a practical way of running.
I just checked mine on my 200. It definately is 1/4 MPT. (MALE PIPE THREAD). 1/4 pipe thread looks like it's actually 1/2 dia. but is designated 1/4 pipe. HTH. I have both the old and new venturi's and the valve port's are both the same size.

I pulled the stock valve off and went with a 1/4MPT x 1/2 barb fitting. Watts dropped from 112 to 107. Just did this mod tonight.

As far as numbers go on mine.....76scfh@107watts. Not to shabby.

It has been four months and I havent cleaned the skimmer out yet. Starting to get a little bit of gunk. What is the easiest way of cleaning this thing out with out getting water everywhere. In order to get the skimmer out I am going to have to detatch the pump....which means water gushes everywhere.

any ideas?
No need to clean the whole skimmer IMO. Just the cup and venturi. I am able to disassemble change the impeller and or venturi with in 15min or less with very minimal mess. In the past couple of months I have had my skimmer apart at least 3-6 times a week. These things are extremely easy to drain and service.
Is there any way to adjust the water height in these? I cut the pipe under the "T" so the top of it just below where the body tapers to the neck. Since this isn't broken in yet I can't go off anything else other than the water height inside. Other than the instuctions from where I bought it, it didn't come with anything as far as set up.
jr where do you keep your wedge valve now? i just got my reef specialty cup and i am waiting for the impeller to ship.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=13063562#post13063562 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by roktsintst
jr where do you keep your wedge valve now? i just got my reef specialty cup and i am waiting for the impeller to ship.

that all depends on amount of flow though the unit .. this can never be a guideline ... the proper question to ask would be:

Where do you keep the water level inside the skimmer with the pump turned OFF.
My skimmer has been offline for a couple days now ... It looks like i tore my seal up. Will have to pull the front off the pump tonight & check it out. I noticed black shavings all over the rear of the housing, and some leaking ... I have an extra dart sitting in reserve ... if it's the seal, i'll just "borrow" it from the spare.