Tank is doing better and looking a lot better after I had the maintenance guy come by and help out. Here is what he did to scrape away the bubble algae (cross-posted from Bagabaga's thread):
For my bubble algae, he ended up using the rigid tubing from my JBJ chiller tubing kit (which I haven't been using), cutting it to make a 12" section of hard rigid tubing, then sticking that into my normal waterchange hose. He then put a fine filter bag in a bucket, scraped and siphoned all of the bubble algae off of the rocks and into the bag in the bucket, and then once the bucket was filling up, he'd take the bag out, pour the bucket water back into the tank, and then start over. I think he did that 4-5 times. There was a lot of bubble algae.
Since he got rid of much of the bubble algae, I've felt more emboldened to feed the tank more. I've been feeding about as much as a frozen cube every other day now. The corals look SPECACULAR. The color coming out of the ORA Hawkins and Pink Lemonade are AMAZING. Many of the corals look like crap still, and will likely take a while to recover, but some look very very good, better than I've ever seen them.
So no more carbon dosing/vodka, only skimming at night/morning, and back to regular feeding. My salinity is still around 1.030, it just won't go lower. For almost 2 weeks now about every other day I'm taking out 32oz of water from the tank and letting the ATO top back off again. Almost no movement on the salinity. Crazy.
Also oddly enough, I've had one emerald crab die (it looked like he got stuck in/on the birdsnest coral and got stuck and died? or something?), and then my cleaner shrimp died too. I have no idea why for either death, the cleaner shrimp might have been old age if they really only live 3-5 years, since I've had it 3 years now? Seems unlikely, but I don't have another explanation. I know they're sensitive to salinity swings, but the salinity doesn't want to move, and he was fine for the last week and a half, just yesterday I found him in the pump. Maybe it's the hawkfish finally? Who knows.