Regal Angel Primer

Fish get stressed out a lot with capture and shipping. All we can hope for is the best. Just because the fish arrive in bad condition does not mean that it was ship that way.
I always give the other side the benefit of the doubt. Everybody got to make a living. Everything go around will come around. Hopefully when my karmas come I won’t suffer too much.
How's it doing now?

It's doing the same, not eating anything I introduce
I even ordered Masstick and nothing, I have tried all the tricks and nothing yet. I won't give obviously, nutrients in the tank have gone a bit and I have to stay on top of that, don't want algae issues also.
Clams, Mysis, live brine, squid, Flakes, Nori, Pellets and Masstik. :headwalls:

Not sure what else to do, it looks beautiful swimming around the tank and its not too shy as other Regals I've had in the past.
The fish I got from him is really well pack and did great, healthy.
What ever problem, having a fish not eating you your tank after shipping it across the country does not mean that it did not eat in his tank. Therefore calling him a liar because he said that the fish ate in his tank is unreasonable. The most you can say is that it does not eat in your tank.

Thanks OrionN for you comment but I have purchased three fish from him A yellow belly regal over a year and a half ago and it didn't eat, I also ordered a Semi Butterfly(that was supposedly eating and healthy) that I placed in a QT and it was dead the very next morning from a very vicious bacterial infection. He obviously sent me a sick fish and the images below are all from NYaquatics. You might be right that it might be unreasonable but it is very frustrating when tons of money are flushed down the toilet and the seller doesn't even try to help out. I am happy for you that you've had good experiences with him. I have ordered fish online and most fish you purchase from the lfs are shipped cross country also so your point there is soft.

The dead Regal lived for two whole months in the tank until is starved to death, I thought these "Redsea Yellow belly's were good eaters". The one I have now is from Madagascar lol, lets see what happens but I will NEVER deal with NYaquatics again, that's for sure.


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I have good times and bad with both NYAquatic, my LFS, and Live Aquaria. When it comes to adult regals, you are taking your chances. Any time you move a fish you take a chance. Example: I sold Minh a Chevron tang once, when I went to catch him he hit every rock in the tank before I could get him out. I told minh to take him home and if it lives the next two weeks he can then pay me, I didn't think it would. Minh sent me payment the next week, said it looked perfectly healed. The next chevron I caught he swam straight into the net too easy, I placed him into a 100 gallon tub with liverock right next to my display tank filled with water from the display. The next morning I found it dead!

I know it can be touch and go especially with these delicate
Orly what other fish do you have in your tank? Do you have docile fish that can show the regal how to eat , but at the same time not to aggressive to stop it from eating? Also I got an adult imperator from him recently and the only thing it would eat was Hikari Mysis for a week until I added a juvenile and it showed the adult how to eat everything. On the bad side I believe it came in with velvet so I had to pull all liverock and start copper treatments. Both seem to be recovering and still eating very well. Thank God for my QT/Isolation tub.
I have learned the hard way to stay away from Regal Angels that were caught as adults. Those have a much harder time adjusting to tank life than those caught as juveniles who basically don't "know" anything else.
Orly what other fish do you have in your tank? Do you have docile fish that can show the regal how to eat , but at the same time not to aggressive to stop it from eating? Also I got an adult imperator from him recently and the only thing it would eat was Hikari Mysis for a week until I added a juvenile and it showed the adult how to eat everything. On the bad side I believe it came in with velvet so I had to pull all liverock and start copper treatments. Both seem to be recovering and still eating very well. Thank God for my QT/Isolation tub.

Wow velvet it horrible, good luck

I have several fairy wrasses and I just got a small Juvenile Moorish Idol killing pellets and veggie flakes

The Regal is by far the largest fish in the tank

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Or should I get a larger, changing and a smaller juvenile?
Narvachus and Regal are my two favorite larger angels.
Or should I get a larger, changing and a smaller juvenile?
Narvachus and Regal are my two favorite larger angels.
They are my favorites as well.
With navachus I would either go with two juveniles or select a pair from adults. Though each approach has its risks.
With both species the sex of adults can be determined from the length and strength of the opercular thorn. The only difficulty with large angels is that they only fully mature fairly late in their lives. Just yesterday I read it might be at 10 years or older. So to be certain to pick correctly you would have to select from rather large specimens.
I've seen large and fully grown Maldives Regals in large numbers (25 to 50) at DeJong in the Netherlands and sexing them at that size is quite easy. But acclimating them and having them pair up is an entirely different story... I never tried because I never had a suitably sized tank for an adult pair.

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I think I am well on my way to have my Regal pair. Here are my two regal. They have been together for 2+ years and grew from 1 inch or so to 2.75 inches, or just shy of 3 inches. These guys are not anywhere near mature but they are doing well together in my 320 DT. I wonder if this tank is enough for the Narvachus also.





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Saturday evening I added a female to my Maldives Regal male. After some initial conflict, they start to get along. Today I saw them the first time swimming together for a bit.
The male is pretty much mature and shows mating behavior, but the female is still transitioning and likely not yet ready. I suspect much of the casing and biting that occurred was rather due to frustration than actual hostility.

I raised the male from a 2" baby. He is now 4 years with me and close to 5". The female is around 3.5"

This is a video of the female while still in QT:

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

and this was minutes after I added the female to the male's tank:

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>
6 days after adding the female they get along great:

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

I'm fairly confident that they will start spawning once the female has matured.
I have some nice torches and scolys anyone have any problems keeping these with your angel
Have read this thread but didn't see any mention of these particular corals.Really love to get one but
But don't want to lose a $1000 in coal
Recently got a small regal (about 3") and was eating pellets after the second day and doing fantastic. Unfortunately at about day 5 a large hole in its side appeared and it died the following day. Here is a pic any insight as to what caused this ?? I'm puzzled.


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Saturday evening I added a female to my Maldives Regal male. After some initial conflict, they start to get along. Today I saw them the first time swimming together for a bit.

The male is pretty much mature and shows mating behavior, but the female is still transitioning and likely not yet ready. I suspect much of the casing and biting that occurred was rather due to frustration than actual hostility.

I raised the male from a 2" baby. He is now 4 years with me and close to 5". The female is around 3.5"

This is a video of the female while still in QT:

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

and this was minutes after I added the female to the male's tank:

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>
I've done this same size combination of 2 regals and after day 1, they have been best friends. Congrats! Enjoy your pair!
(side note, fluconazole treatment should get rid of your Bryopsis in a week or two)

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Recently got a small regal (about 3") and was eating pellets after the second day and doing fantastic. Unfortunately at about day 5 a large hole in its side appeared and it died the following day. Here is a pic any insight as to what caused this ?? I'm puzzled.


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Hard to say, could be anything from Uronema to Vibrio.
The extreme speed points to a very aggressive bacterial infection.