Regal Angel Primer

Feeding my Regals in quarantine.

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The little Philippine Regal is done with his 60 days of observational quarantine and I plan on moving him to another tank soon.

The Maldives Regal still has some infected wounds and unidentified spots but eating is no longer a concern.
NYAquatics has some Regals from Madagascar. Anyone know how hardy the Regals from this region are?

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NYAquatics has some Regals from Madagascar. Anyone know how hardy the Regals from this region are?

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Based on the other fish coming from Madagascar I would think that they are okay.
With Regals it comes very much down to how the fish are collected and treated after collection. The collectors on Madagascar seem to be doing a decent job in that regard.

Where the Regals from there belong in respect to the specimen from the Red Sea and Indian Ocean is so far unclear as were not included in the recent study that analyzed the relationship of the Regals from different locations.

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Based on the other fish coming from Madagascar I would think that they are okay.
With Regals it comes very much down to how the fish are collected and treated after collection. The collectors on Madagascar seem to be doing a decent job in that regard.

Where the Regals from there belong in respect to the specimen from the Red Sea and Indian Ocean is so far unclear as were not included in the recent study that analyzed the relationship of the Regals from different locations.

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I have had the Madagascan Regal for a week now and Michael Stern from nyaquatics said "honestly, they're all eating really well
for some reason, the madagascar ones eat better than the red sea".

So far the regal hasn't eaten a thing, I have been home watching and introducing food to the DT throughout the day and nothing. Michael Stern said they were being feed Hikari Mysis but I have been giving clams, mysis, flake, live brine, Nori, LRS and pellets. It hasn't even picked at my rocks which are very mature with tons of sponges all over. I feel like a fool ordering from NYaquatics because this same thing happened to me over a year ago with a Maldives Yellow that was. "eating well" which died two months later in my dt due not eating and it lived off its body fat. I watched it wither away and I tried everything then as well. I am just hoping he starts eating coral at this point lol

Any other suggestions would be appreciated. I have read all the threads and its so hit or miss with these fish but for NYaquatics to claim they eat better then Redsea is misleading.
It's so gorgeous as it swims throughout the tank exploring but not eating. I guess patience and prayer are the only things I can do now.
Adding some caulerpa is always a good idea.
But if the fish doesn't even look for food then something else is wrong.
The only fix for might be force feeding, something I don't recommend unless you have experience with it or know someone who could do it.

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I do see it picking at at the today, so it's a start. I don't want to rush things but since stuck at home I'll keep trying different foods throughout the day

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Here was 1 of my two Regal on 10/19/2019. Same size as the male Flame angel.

Same fish in 4/2020


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My misfits. The only fish missing is my smaller Blueface and Flame.


  • all fish but one 4-4-20.jpg
    all fish but one 4-4-20.jpg
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My misfits. The only fish missing is my smaller Blueface and Flame.

With the large angels of the Euxiphipops group (P. navarchus, P. xanthometopon, P. sexstriatus) the sex of juveniles is determined permanently by their social standing when they mature. Once set they don't change sex anymore. So with these, it is important to start with immature juveniles to actually get a pair.
The Regal angels are closely related to the angels of the genus Holacanthus and at least Holacanthus tricolor has been found to be monandric protogynous.
It's still best to start with immature juveniles. My large Maldives Regal is starting to show male characteristics like a more stretched body shape and a growth of the opercular thorn. On the other hand, my latest Maldive Regal shows more of a disk-shaped body and a much smaller opercular thorn.
I know that at least one aquarist in Germany (Joachim Großkopf) was successful in pairing Regal Angels by selecting males and females and pair them.
I personally prefer to start with babies as small as possible.
Regal Angel Primer

Absolutely nothing NyAquatics Mike Stern is a liar! I've purchased several fish from him three times and horrible!!! Watched them wither away

Even though he says they are eating!!!!!

Please please BEWARE! I told Pastor Rev about NYAquatics and very little support has been given. Mike stern "œclaIms" all of the Regals ate, liAr!!

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Absolutely nothing NyAquatics Mike Stern is a liar! I've purchased several fish from him three times and horrible!!! Watched them wither away

Even though he says they are eating!!!!!

Please please BEWARE! I told Pastor Rev about NYAquatics and very little support has been given. Mike stern "œclaIms" all of the Regals ate, liAr!!

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I have seen some praising him but the number of bad reviews is at least equally high if not significantly higher. I would definitely be extremely hesitant to buy any livestock from him based on the reviews I have seen.
The fish I got from him is really well pack and did great, healthy.
What ever problem, having a fish not eating you your tank after shipping it across the country does not mean that it did not eat in his tank. Therefore calling him a liar because he said that the fish ate in his tank is unreasonable. The most you can say is that it does not eat in your tank.
The fish I got from him is really well pack and did great, healthy.
What ever problem, having a fish not eating you your tank after shipping it across the country does not mean that it did not eat in his tank. Therefore calling him a liar because he said that the fish ate in his tank is unreasonable. The most you can say is that it does not eat in your tank.

Agreed. I've had pretty good luck with stuff from him, including Regal's. I'm not 100% with fish from him (or anyone) but I'm usually buying mainly delicate fish from him.
Agreed. I've had pretty good luck with stuff from him, including Regal's. I'm not 100% with fish from him (or anyone) but I'm usually buying mainly delicate fish from him.

Their Purple tangs and Gem tang were very healthy.
I have good times and bad with both NYAquatic, my LFS, and Live Aquaria. When it comes to adult regals, you are taking your chances. Any time you move a fish you take a chance. Example: I sold Minh a Chevron tang once, when I went to catch him he hit every rock in the tank before I could get him out. I told minh to take him home and if it lives the next two weeks he can then pay me, I didn't think it would. Minh sent me payment the next week, said it looked perfectly healed. The next chevron I caught he swam straight into the net too easy, I placed him into a 100 gallon tub with liverock right next to my display tank filled with water from the display. The next morning I found it dead!