Regal Angel Primer

AC just listed a very small regal on their mailer. ThRoewer should pick it to. :)

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AC just listed a very small regal on their mailer. ThRoewer should pick it to. :)

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I saw it and was quite tempted but

1. It's almost certainly one from Sumatra and not the Maldives.

2. It's not worth to leave the house and catch an infection on the way.

And finally

3. I'm fresh out of quarantine tank space with 2 tanks being used to treat or hold treated anemones, 1 still in use with my latest baby Philippine Regal, 1 with the my new Madagascar clowns, and the last one occupied by the new Maldives Regal.

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Too bad Texas and California are not closer. My friend wouldn't mind a larger one
Getting a larger one is easy and just a matter of time and patience. But big ones can't be reverted to juveniles again...
When I got my first Maldives Regal he was just about the size of the one in your picture. In less than 4 years he at least doubled in length and is now the largest Regal I ever had. And he is still growing fast. Those I got as larger juveniles or young adults didn't grow that much in the same time. That is one of the reasons why I wanted a small juvenile.

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That is true on growth. The two I sold to OrionN out grew my 65 fast. I am hoping Coronavirus goes away and more Maldives regals come available in May? Although praying Coronavirus goes away very soon. We can always get more regals
I actually also like the coloration of the Philippine Regal. I like the dark fish and the bluish chest. Darker fish over all when compared to the Indian Ocean Regal.
That is true on growth. The two I sold to OrionN out grew my 65 fast. I am hoping Coronavirus goes away and more Maldives regals come available in May? Although praying Coronavirus goes away very soon. We can always get more regals
Almost 2 years later the two regal Alton sold to me still only about 3 inches.
Almost 2 years later the two regal Alton sold to me still only about 3 inches.

How large were they when you got them?

I feel there is a point if their growth is interrupted, their future growth is somewhat stunted.

My first Maldives Regal never stopped growing and you could literally see him get larger month by month. And he literally put in a growth spurt when I moved him over to the 100-gallon tank.

My first Philippines Regal grew quite a bit as well but took much longer for significantly less growth in 5 years.

Here a video of the new regal going after Mysis on the second day.:

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>
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I actually also like the coloration of the Philippine Regal. I like the dark fish and the bluish chest. Darker fish over all when compared to the Indian Ocean Regal.

Yes, my Philippines Regal had a rather blue than grey chest and it looked stunning especially under more actinic light.
I got them from Alton at about 1.5 inches. About the same size as my young Flame Angels. The flame angels outgrew them but they caught up and now are bigger than my male Flame Angel.
They started out all at about 1.5 inches.
So in 2 years they doubled their length. Mine grew from about 2" to about 5" in 4 years. The growth rate in both cases is 0.75"/year.
When comparing them to flame angels you need to keep in mind that regal angels have likely a life expectancy of 40 to 60 years or even more while flame angels get 8 years old at the most. So it is no surprise they grow a lot faster.

Here some interesting research on angelfish age, growth, and sex:

Age-based demography and reproductive ontogeny of angelfishes belonging to the family Pomacanthidae

Age and Growth by Scale Analysis of Pomacanthus imperator (Teleostei: Pomacanthidae) from Dongsha Islands...
Day 5 and she is eating flakes well:

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Also, based on the LiveAquaria listings, it looks like QM got more Maldives Regals in.
I'm still trying to entice mine to read. Just hope he starts eating.

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I actually also like the coloration of the Philippine Regal. I like the dark fish and the bluish chest. Darker fish over all when compared to the Indian Ocean Regal.Here are pictures of my Philippine Regal. My first Regal. I no longer have him. Killed by Hurricane Harvey



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I also like the Pacific Regals if they have the blue chest, not so much the ones with a washed out gray.
They actually look their best in darker tanks with almost exclusively blue light.
I'm kind of sad that I don't really have any good pictures/videos of my Philippine Regal that died last year out of the blue.
But my Philippine baby Regal is doing great and I hope I can raise him to become a stunning adult.

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Mine was stunning. I have him with Radion at 100% on all channels with no extra blue. He was an exceptional color and slight misbarred.
I am currently quarantining two regals, both from the Maldives. I have the larger of the two eating just about everything I offer now and the smaller one is only eating baby brine shrimp and occasionally pecks at mysis, clam, and krill. These are my 3rd and 4th regals, the previous two being a Red Sea and Phillipines specimen. The two older ones were bonded with the Red Sea being the male and the Phillipine one being the female. They would swim together and it was a wonderful site watching their courtship behaviors. I lost them to velvet (along with all of my other fish about 8 years ago) and am trying them for the first time again now. The smaller one I have is only about 1.5" and is one of the smallest I have ever seen available.

This is a feeding video from 2011 of my original "pair" with the blue belly Phillipine female being far more shy. It took me almost 3 months to get each of these fattened up to the point where they would eat anything that was in front of them and be strong enough to compete with the rest of my fish (as you can see from the video there were some big fellas in the tank with them and a lot of feeding competition).

This is a small clip of the current larger regal.

Here's the smaller one.