I'm sorry guys - holidays are always crazy here. Everyone comes to Arizona in the winter! And we went skiing, got my 5 year old in ski school - man what a blast. Thankfully, he loves it.
The tank is doing incredibly well actually. It has been semi-neglected due to time but since I added the Tunzes back, the cyano has disappeared. I picked up some more LR, and should finish aquascaping this week. I also added a BUNCH of snails from reeftopia (love that place) and they're cleaning the back of my glass. I forgot how much work snails did - I would like to add a couple hundred more small astraes. I got a Sally Lightfoot from a friend when he took his tank down and watched him eat several astraes per day. I had to tear the tank apart to get him.
I love the light, since I moved the SPS out last month I've just been running the 6x54W T5 twelve and the MH for two hours. Works well.
Those angels are awesome! I love two and four, those are crazy! I picked up a pair of Bellus Angels from Phishy. Really beautiful - they were sold to me as a true pair and Serdar had them for a few weeks. They are extremely healthy so far, and eat really well.
I gotta run. Hotel Fliger is expecting more guests in a couple hours! :lol: I hope everyone has a great holiday season and I promise an update with pix very soon. I added the sand back and I forgot how much better a tank looks with sand. My LPS are so much happier.
And yes, I would love an Interruptus angel or a pair. I pursued wild a couple weeks ago and came up empty-handed. I may wait until RCT (?) gets up and running again. But with my patience (or lack thereof), that is highly unlikely.