Ricordia, mushrooms causing problems growing sps


New member
So i am attempting to again grow acros and millies. My water parameters are good.
Calcium 430
Alk 7.7
Sg 1.26
Temp 78
Nitrate 5 ppm
Phosphates, undetectable on ati test kit, but i have some small clusters of hair and bubble alge. I am running gfo.

2 2x 54 t5 with ati blue plus and atinic.
2 reef breeder photon 16's. Switching to kessil a360' in the next couple of weeks.

Par at bottom 150 to mid 400' at top of rock.

I have had this problem with the last 3 times i added corals. Bridsnests, acro's, millies doesn't seam to mater . I have a rack on the gravel to acclimate them so they wont bleach.

They all slowly lose color, after a week its really noticeable,
Greens are fading fast. After a couple of weks color is gone.

My tank is becoming over grown with florida ricordia and mushrooms.

Has anyone had problems growing sps in a tank with lots of these.

I am about to pull all the rocks and throw them in ice water or try to kill these some how.

Any help would be appreciated.

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I have ricordea Florida in my sps dominated tank and have no issues.
Have you tried to run carbon?
If it's a chemical war fare gac will help!

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I have ricordea Florida in my sps dominated tank and have no issues.
Have you tried to run carbon?
If it's a chemical war fare gac will help!

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Thanks for the reply.
I do run carbon bags in my sump. .I was thinking its a chemical warfare thing, or lights.I have herd the ricordia can release toxins in the water. Trying to hopefully rule that out by seeing others have this issue in their mixed reefs.
I have kind of narrowed it down to that or the lighting. Thats why I'm switching the reef breeders out for kesil a360's
Kind of getting a little frustrated at killing frags!

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