I shoot in raw with no enhancement being done in the camera.Depending on the image there are some variables in these settings but a general idea of what I move to get rid of the obstacles when shooting reef tanks will be covered.
I use CS 4 as this is the newest version I own.
I first open the raw image and slide the temperature to the right until the image comes to look like what the eye perceives when looking at the DT
I then look at exposure and remove any over exposed spots that may be offending.
I then look at brightness and if the subject is too dark I try to lighten.
I then move the black slider to make the subject be the most appealing and make the background less obtrusive.
I then move the clarify slider to the right until the image has good detail but not too digital looking
I then move the vibrancy and saturation until the color starts to be as intense as seen by the naked eye while looking at the actual coral in the display.
I save it in JPEG
Thats some of you can appreciate how much effort goes into posting updates for you guys

Hope that helps.practice helps and talking to guys like Gary Parr will not hurt.He has taught me a few tricks but I am a novice compared to many RC members.
I also use Ken Rockwells site early on to get a feel for Nikon and its quirks.GL