So, as I stare at this empty tank, I've been thinking a lot lately about how and with what kind of fish I want to stock it with. I was hoping I could get some pointers on compatibility, and order of stocking if it makes a difference. As far as fish load, the more the merrier, LOL! I currently have 9 fish in my 30 gallon, but most are on the small side. I definitely prefer more smaller fish than fewer large "show" fish. I like the aquarium to look busy, with lots of movement and such. Below I'll list some of my thoughts on what I would like to stock the tank with. I'll break it down to Large medium and small. These are relative terms, and "large for me" is not necessarily a big fish, but big for the size aquarium.
What is an aquarium without a tang? Face it, they are active, beautiful, and provide lots of movement. They are also very nice for the "non-reef" visitors. Unfortunately, my favorite fish the Achilles gets way to big for my tank, so getting one will have to wait for the next upgrade. Discussing tangs with different people will give you a huge range of opinions, from the tang Nazi's on the general forum, to some that have told me I can have multiple tangs in there. I believe the truth to be somewhere in between. My top choices for tangs are:
- Purple
- Yellow
- Kole
- Powder Blue
I was thinking realistically 1-2 from that list would be appropriate. My favorite fish from that list is the purple, that said I think a yellow tang, even though it's a very common fish, is a gorgeous blast of color for any aquarium. I would be worried that a yellow and purple would fight to the death.
as both are considered pretty aggressive. My concerns with the powder blue is how prone these guys are to ich. I do plan on a qt period for all fish, but if I decide on a powder blue, I will likely treat it actively, or at the minimum do an extended QT. The Kole is the obvious most "practical" choice, and although its a nice fish, the other 3 are much more attractive to me. The other reason for a tang or 2, although secondary, is hopefully they will help with grooming.
On to the medium fish. In this category, the first I would love to get is a dwarf angel. Very risky with all the corals I want, but man are they nice. Top contenders in this category is a Potters or a Flame. I'm thinking of adding this guy last, after the aquarium is a little more established, and most of the frags have had a chance to settle and grow out a bit.
Other medium fish I want to get are a group of anthias. Sunset and Bartletts are my favorite, but I may stick to the Lyretails because they seem to be a little more hardy. I love the color and movement a group of anthias provides. Whether I can keep them long term history will tell. I know some of you have had issues with them in the past. I will try though, that is one of my MUST TRY fish, LOL!
I was thinking that the first additions to the tank would be a trio of Blue Green chromis. Personally, I think these are cool fish. I hate the last man standing reputation, but they are cheap, good looking, and a good "tester fish". I know that sounds all wrong
The last guys in the medium category is I think it would be nice to have a wrasse or 2 in there. Top contenders are the flame wrasse, but any of the variety of flasher and fairy wrasses is fair game.
In the small category, I already have a few of those, but one of my must haves is a Goby shrimp pair. I would also love to maybe have a few different varieties of gobies, as I think its cool to see them all hanging out in front of their dens around the perimeter of the islands.
Some of the fish I currently have will also be joining the party, which includes a pair of clowns, starry blenny, tanaka wrasse, pair of swissguard basslets, and 2 purple chromis.
The last one I am undecided on is whether or not I want to be brave and get a jawfish. They are SO COOL! That said, I know they come with their baggage, so I'll save that decision for later.
I know I listed a lot of fish up there. By no means am I going to get all of them, but those are the top contenders. I figure I got room to add a good amount of the smaller to medium fish, and I purposely went with a heavier skimmer for that reason. I also plan on carbon dosing to keep nutrients in check.
Any suggestions, recommendations, and tips regarding QT, compatability, and concerns with the above mentioned, feel free to comment. I'll try to get some more pics and DIY going in the next few days.