Rovster's Custom Reef Savvy build......FINALLY!!!

Realistically it ain't happening this week anyway as we are going to Disney.....AGAIN! LOL! Sucks because there's always drama with my tank when I'm hangin' with the mouse....

It's so frustrating because I've had those fish for a few months and in a few hours one gets beaten to death and the other ripped to shreds. The female bimac is blending well with the existing anthias and the male which ran my QT tank has been degraded to a common punk.
No but I swear last night I was scouring the house for one. I was so desperate I even pulled some foil out but quickly realized that wasn't going to work. I need a spear gun!!!
I've used an issue of coral magazine or whatever reef-related publication I had available. Turn to a page with a large photo of a fish and place it up against the tank side. Not pretty, but effective.

You can also color print a photo from the intra-web.

Good luck
Here is a crappy video of 2 of the new additions that are still alive. The bimac anthias confined to the upper left. You can see the chromis "patrolling" but he was behaving for this video lol. I didn't clean the glass and excuse the net draped over the tank....

He's a punk. My swallowtail is officially caput. The 2 remaining anthias have tattered fins. Eddie please don't forget my trap lol!
Mini photo update. Tank is doing OK. Still suffering the effects of my Alk issue but I didn't lose anything, just a few corals looks a little banged up. I'm confident they will recover but will likely be a few more weeks. I did go a little overboard nitrate dosing so I ran up my nitrates a bit too high, but other than a little darkening, no real issues.

On the other site, there was a thread on making misrepresentations of corals playing with the cameras white balance. I thought it would be fun to take some of these pics and it was. These are quickie shots. This weekend I plan on really trying to play with this and get some really outrageous pics.

For the record, these are NOT realistic representations of my corals, LOL!

PC Superman....

Tyree Pink Lemonade....

Upscales Microclados...

BC HyperBerry....


My new Banana Lokani....thanks Eddie;)

BC Purple Flamingo...
PC Rainbow...

CB "The Thing"

BC GlowStik...

ORA Purple Plasma...

Red Planet....

My little nub of Crayola is basing out like mad. Started as a 1/4" nub I accidentally broke off and just planted it to see what would happen...Its front and center, and is MUCH more colored and nice than my colony.....

My Nem....

Shades of fall....You will have to be patient Viejo;)

Hey bud. Just a quick question based on your experience. My tank is doing much better and I have just short of a dozen frags that are doing well. Most are just basing, obviously some faster than others. From personal experience, these guys will normally base before showing other growth right? And how much basing is normal before growth.

I have a tri-color valida variation that was sold to me as an ORA frag. It broke off of its plug and I secured it by itself to live rock and it had done a decent amount of basing over the epoxy(about bigger than a quarter all the way around) but then the tips are showing a bright purple growth on all tips. Then I have a red planet frag from Renee on here which has completely engulfed a plug(again quarter sized but all the way down the sides) with no tip growth.

Still loving your tank.
Thanks. All corals are different. Some base a lot before shooting branches, some base a little. Some like to sleep for months before waking up and then start to move. What I will say is the really small frags take a LONG time to show any significant growth. My pink lemondade took a long time, and now its growing like a weed. By Christmas It should look like a good sized small colony if things continue like they are.

Red Planet is one of those that likes to base out. Mine threw down a huge base before I ever saw any nubs. Now there is a bunch of nubs growing....
nice filter for the pic they came out amazing

Not a filter. This is straight out of the camera. Basically you set the white balance on the camera under the custom setting under blue light. The camera compensates and tries to correct and set the appropriate WB. It can't, and the results are what you see above. Its more of an artistic thing. Not real at all, LOL!
nice I don't have good luck setting the white balance on my canon 60d SLR I take pictures with blue light to a piece of pvc inside the tank and then I set that as my custom white balance I'm doing it right or wrong
That's the right way, to get pics like these forget the white PVC. Just take the pic using auto WB under the blue light and ask the camera to set the white balance. It will give you an error but override it. Set the WB to custom and there you go.

I have a 60D as well;)
That's the right way, to get pics like these forget the white PVC. Just take the pic using auto WB under the blue light and ask the camera to set the white balance. It will give you an error but override it. Set the WB to custom and there you go.

I have a 60D as well;)

That is confusing. Youll have to explain that one to me some day. All this time i thought your pics where from your phone. :uzi:
Where are the pics of the Fox Flame, WWC Blueberry, Rommels Watermelon, and Purple Slimmer you got at MACNA? :blown:
Where are the pics of the Fox Flame, WWC Blueberry, Rommels Watermelon, and Purple Slimmer you got at MACNA? :blown:

I'll take some for you this weekend. These photos were just me experimenting. I do take some pics with my phone, but the nicer ones are from my camera.