keep up wit the water changes, or dosing elements, to not deplete them too much.
I leave my skimmer off for about 2 hours a day to give my SPS more intense colors, I run mine on 150 G of net water, and as u said, it pulls EVERYthing out lol
[prety good option to have]
Hi Jeremy,
I'm struggling with my AC 200 on a 180g FOWLR I am setting up. I was using it on another tank up until about 3 months ago and it worked fine. Now, on this new setup it outputs tons of microbubbles and overflows within a few minutes of being turned on.
I read in other posts where you mentioned that there may be a reaction with something such as epoxy. I did do a foam/rock wall on the entire back of the 180g then sealed and attached sand to the foam using West Systems two-part epoxy. Could this be the problem and if so what do I do? I've been running the skimmer as is with the collection cup drain uncorked and running carbon in a reactor hoping it would help but it is not getting better. I may move it over to another tank just to see what happens too. Any other suggestions? Thanks in advance.
BTW, skimmer is in 9" of water and the output is wide open right now.
Is this a completely new tank without any fish in it?
Also, what you can do is let place something under the skimmer and push it even further out of the water, think 5" and just leave the output valve wide open and see if you can skim some stuff out without it overflowing... eventually after awhile it will come down.
If you ever dump a ton of skimmate into a very clean tank, a good skimmer will actually go nuts as it tries to quickly remove all those nasty organics, but this often leads to overflows.... so, if this ever happens, then you need to really raise that sucker out of water or decrease the amount of bubbles injected to let the skimmer slowly take out the organic loaded water.
Hope you figure it out!
There has to be a reason it's spewing out bubbles. The two most common problems are are a reaction to something in the water, or a restriction of air going into the skimmer. I would suggest keeping the skimmer in 8.5" - 9" of water, and then cleaning out the venturi, airline, and the silencer. You need to take the silencer completely apart to do this. See if this helps at all.
I have an Alpha 200. I have never felt that this skimmer has skimmed very well, and it has overflowed more times than I can count. When it overflows it spews water under the aquarium cabinet and onto outlets and my apex, it has shorted out some of the sockets and shut down my aquarium for a few days while I was gone and killed a few corals. Is there a solution to this problem? I have cleaned everything on the skimmer and there is not obstruction of the air flow, also nothing has changed in my aquarium as far as additions go. The skimmer sits in around 9.5" of water.
The overflow has been occuring over and over for around a year.
I am tired of dealing with this problem and I just want this skimmer to start skimming properly. Any suggestions?
It also seems strange to me that even with the outlet fully open the skimmer sometimes still overflows, and this occurs reguardless of feeding or additions.