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Thanks! I'm going to try that with a sharpie. I already have one mark there which was what seemed to be the best water level when it was at 9.5.
I was worried about the skim being that wet but I guess it's ok then. I'll leave it wet since it's ok, but just in case I decide to move it later to have dry skim, what do I have to move to do so?
You would rotate the wedge pipe closer to the open position. This will lower the water level in the skimmer and produce a drier skimmate. You only want to lower it a little bit at a time. Also, drain the cup before doing so. Your tell tale sign is not only the color of the skimmate but also the amount produced. The less skimmate production, the darker the skimmate. When you make an adjustment, I would wait a day to see how it effected the amount of skimmate.
Like I said, I usually run the skimmer wet. There is nothing wrong at all with wet skimming. I find the skimmer works more consistantly when wet skimming and the color of the skimmate is always dark enough that I know it doesn't belong in the tank. Also, as the skimmer catches up with the biomass in your tank, its production will decline so keep that in mind before you get carried away trying to get a drier skim.