Royal-Exclusiv / Vertex Cone Skimmer Club

Hi Jeremy

I have old version Vertex 200 Alpha with no dialing option of the motor. Since several weeks I cant make skimmer work. It always overflows e.g. 1 time in a week. 1st skimmer skims dark color and level inside the neck is low. But after severel days level inside comes to the most upper point. I fully open the water outlet. I lower the water level to 18cm, the same problem. I take out the sponge from the silencer. Would you please tell me the dimensions of the nozzle I can use instead of the one I have. The nozzle that I want to use has 19mm inner diameter and 59mm length. I saw from this web site. What is the outer diameter? Can I order this part?

Is there a chance to upgrade to a motor with dialing option.


Jeremy, I currently own a Royal-exclusiv vertex 200. I have added a 60g tank to my entire system. So the system includes a 180g+75 gallon fuge+75 gallon sump+60g. The gross volume is almost 400g and net water volume is about 250g. It is a medium bioload system. Should I be upgrading the skimmer?

I think you're probably fine for right now. The Alpha 200 is the strongest of all the Alpha models for it's own respective size, so you should be just fine with it.
Hi Jeremy

I have old version Vertex 200 Alpha with no dialing option of the motor. Since several weeks I cant make skimmer work. It always overflows e.g. 1 time in a week. 1st skimmer skims dark color and level inside the neck is low. But after severel days level inside comes to the most upper point. I fully open the water outlet. I lower the water level to 18cm, the same problem. I take out the sponge from the silencer. Would you please tell me the dimensions of the nozzle I can use instead of the one I have. The nozzle that I want to use has 19mm inner diameter and 59mm length. I saw from this web site. What is the outer diameter? Can I order this part?

Is there a chance to upgrade to a motor with dialing option.



The white adjustable nozzle will not solve your issue. It will only change the air draw into the skimmer body. If you keep overflowing that has nothing to do with slightly increasing or decreasing the air draw, but most likely due to running the water level inside the skimmer a bit too high, debris in the pins of the impeller, a partially clogged venturi, or a varying sump level.
The white adjustable nozzle will not solve your issue. It will only change the air draw into the skimmer body. If you keep overflowing that has nothing to do with slightly increasing or decreasing the air draw, but most likely due to running the water level inside the skimmer a bit too high, debris in the pins of the impeller, a partially clogged venturi, or a varying sump level.

Please inform the outer diameter of the nozzle with 58mm long and 19mm inner diameter. I want to change the nozzle.

There is no debris in the pins of impeller, sump level is always the same with auto top off. There is a timer when the skimmer switches on after power loss. What do you mean with clogged venturi? Would you please give more info.

After skimmer runs several days the bubles start from very low point such that bublles touch the lower holes and there are microbubbles coming out from the output. The bubles rise to a very high point in the neck.

Please advise.


The non-adjustable nozzle is not the cause, it has to be one of the other issues I mentioned. Other than putting something in your tank such as frag epoxy, an additive, or some other foreign substance into the tank there is no other cause for the skimmer to overflow other than what I mentioned.

I do not have an adjustable nozzle here to measure unfortunately, I am sorry. You might call Vertex direct about it, however I can tell you that the nozzles they sell now are not made by Royal-Exclusiv anymore, so there could be some minor differences in the sizing.
I have the Vertex Alpha 170. It only has about 1 year of use and this week the red dragon pump stopped working. It will come on for a second when you plug it in then stops. Can someone please tell me who I contact regarding the pump? Thanks..
It is still under warranty through Vertex, however if you can post some pics of the impeller assembly removed from the pump as well as down inside the block that might be helpful.
It's definitely the block then. Have you ever pulled out the impeller assembly and had the bearing attached to the end of impeller shaft when you've pulled it out? Or have you ever had startup / stopping issues with it?
Just now saw your post, sorry I missed it. It was a little crazy this past Monday with the Holidays. It really appears / sounds to be a dead motorblock to me. Try shooting an email over to and let her know that you've been troubleshooting with me and we've found it to be a bad block. They should be able to send a replacement out to you. If she is unable to help please email me directly at
so i have an alpha 170, been up and running for close to two months now and I'm kinda disappointed with its performance.

At the moment its sitting in 9" water with valut 4 turns out, and wedge pipe 95% closed position. The foam is barely overflowing over collection cup. Is this normal? I also notice pulsing problem after about 2 days after cleaning neck and collection cup being cleaned.

Tank is heavily stocked with tangs and numerous other fishes, fed frozen and dry foods. What does everyone have the skimmer set at? because I'm beginning to think this one is defective. Any help would be appreciated.


I've been looking for an Alpha 250 for a new build (275DT/350total) with little success. I understand this is due to a change in the manufacturer. I'm wondering what your recommendation as to an alternate choice would be?
so i have an alpha 170, been up and running for close to two months now and I'm kinda disappointed with its performance.

At the moment its sitting in 9" water with valut 4 turns out, and wedge pipe 95% closed position. The foam is barely overflowing over collection cup. Is this normal? I also notice pulsing problem after about 2 days after cleaning neck and collection cup being cleaned.

Tank is heavily stocked with tangs and numerous other fishes, fed frozen and dry foods. What does everyone have the skimmer set at? because I'm beginning to think this one is defective. Any help would be appreciated.


If you can post some photos, or even better a video, of the skimmer installed and running in your setup we can help you get dialed in with it.

I've been looking for an Alpha 250 for a new build (275DT/350total) with little success. I understand this is due to a change in the manufacturer. I'm wondering what your recommendation as to an alternate choice would be?

If you were originally looking at an Alpha 250 then take a look at the Bubble King Double Cone 250. The size of the skimmer is the same, but the Double Cone has the winte glass body shape versus the straight cone shape of the Alpha. The Double Cone also has the new Red Dragon 3 DC pump on it, which is even quieter than the Red Dragon 1 pumps that originally came on the Alpha's.

We do have these in stock and ready to ship immediately as well.
I have an alpha 250 skimmer. I set it up and it looks like it is making plently of bubbles, but then it just turns off randomly. Google has not been my friend in resolving this! Can anyone help me? super frustrating
I have this problem every now and then. My pump seems to push itself out of the skimmer body a little bit and then doesn't produce the swirling in the chamber.
To fix that, I put the pump right against the side of the sump.
I have an alpha 250 skimmer. I set it up and it looks like it is making plently of bubbles, but then it just turns off randomly. Google has not been my friend in resolving this! Can anyone help me? super frustrating

When was the last time the impeller and bearing was pulled and cleaned?