First of all, thank you jeremy for being such a resource here at Reef central. 6 months ago or so I got a chance to buy a RE 250 Deluxe internal. It is a beauty and I really love the skimmer design, build quality, constant levels of foam +++ the issue I am having is that the neck gets clogged with "mud" while the skimmate is tea-like. I tried fixing this by installing a self cleaning kit, a swabbie from avast marine. This got rid of the buildup on the sides, and instead all the mud (seems to be the same amount) gets all over the swabbie :facepalm: The skimmate is still quite pale.
I suspect the skimmer is too large for my Aqua Medic 120 (530 litres?) and that this might be the issue. The aquarium is heavily stocked with sps, lps, and softies + fish, so I think the bioload is quite high. I´ve tried skimming wetter without much luck, dryskimming made it worse.
So what do you suggest?
I am a pretty decent DIYér and was wondering if I should take the time to make a "prostetic" inner tube for the skimmer, i.e. making the inner tube narrower? The thought is that later on I can remove the removeable inner tube and use it on a larger system if I get one later.
Would ozone help?
Or do you think I should try selling it and getting another RE model? If so, which one?
Thank you in advance Jeremy, your constant fedback and willingnes to help people on this forum is in part why I want to continue investing in RE products instead of going the cheaper route.
Best regards André of Norway.