Ryan's 300 Gallon Starfire Journal

Looks awesome Ryan!

Somehow, I missed it last month when you posted about the Pacific Coast chiller. I run a 1/3 HP P.C., and it works great, however the temp. always reads 2°F high. I have monitored with several thermometers, and now am just used to it - since it's skewed throughout I'm not worried about it as long as I'm aware of the difference. Just wanted to give you a heads up on that, not sure if you run a controller too or not.
Looks awesome Ryan!

Somehow, I missed it last month when you posted about the Pacific Coast chiller. I run a 1/3 HP P.C., and it works great, however the temp. always reads 2°F high. I have monitored with several thermometers, and now am just used to it - since it's skewed throughout I'm not worried about it as long as I'm aware of the difference. Just wanted to give you a heads up on that, not sure if you run a controller too or not.

Hi Austin!

Thank you very much! :thumbsup:

I found out that if you hold the set button for 10 seconds andthen press the set button again, you can change teh settings for the thermometer! Like you, I knew that my tank temp was not 98! My temp probe in the chiller had come loose and needed to be reset in the correct location!
Ryan, Gorgeous pictures. I love your efflo sitting on the pillar. That is exactly what I plan to do with my efflo once I get one :). Tell me about the multi bars...how are they treating the corals?? They are really pretty.
Thanks Alicia!

I've always LOVED the way DeepSea's tank looks w/ his huge efflos nice flat and round! The Soli looks incredible right there and is growing very nicely!

I have another set of rocks on the other side becasue the block the output from the closed loop through the bottom of the tank. The left "mound" just has favia's on it, but im thinking of moving my $500 efflo to it and doing the same thing as the soli!!!

The Multibar's are great. They are in and out of the rocks all day long picking at the rock. I've never seen them disturb any coral at all yet but they just have such a eye catching look to them, it would be worth it even if they did!!!
haha... I have been thinking of taking a video but The only thing I have is my wife's point and shoot camera.

But I want to wait until i get some fish I have In QT into the display first!
WOW - just read all 15 pages! thanks for the link, and sorry the skimmer didn't work out for you. Really nice job putting that together! I am in process of looking for new lights, want to go 250's over the 150's I have now. Where did you get the multibars?
Thanks Matt. The 1004 would have been an incredible addition to this setup I think!

I got the Multibars off of Divers Den! It's an awesome place to get excellent quality fish!