Well I replaced the 4 Radiums Yesterday. I thought the ones I had still looked cood until I put the new ones on!!!
The new ones were SOOO much brighter than the other ones. Im excited to see what the new bulbs do to the corals in the next few weeks!!!
I also pulled off the back 2 6' VHO's because of the way the rack was built. It was built to be directly over the tank. When I built my tank, I built it into the wall so the Canopy sits 4" back due to the wall header infront of it!
So I replaced then w/ 4 2' VHO's. Plus, this gave me VHO coverage on the two ends of the tank that the other 2 6' VHO's do not cover. I was very excited about doing this, but upon completion of the project, Im not really happy with it. The 2'ers just dont put out much light... I think Im gonna see if I can put 2 more 6'ers somewhere to add some more ACtinic Light...
In other news, I gave my buddy my Oldest coral... My Green Slimmer!!! It was well over a foot wide. It was just too big to fit in my tiny 300 :lol: I just couldn't find a good place for it. But now that it is gone, he part of the tnak it was in looks bare!!!
I guess I need some more coral to fill in the open space!!!
I think im going ot get a Nano wavebox for my Frag/Chalice tank. I've been battling a lot of algea in the frag tank and a some chalice die back... I think this is because of poor waterflow int eh frag tank adn the detrius is settling on the corals which isn't helping them! So the addition of the wave box will help keep the particles in suspention and available for export!!!
And while im at it, I think Im gonna add a wavebox to the Dispaly to help keep the top layer of the sand turned up a little!!!
Sorry for the lengthy journal entry, I just want to keep updated!
Oh and for the long post, here is a picture!!!