Ryan's 300 Gallon Starfire Journal

Well I replaced the 4 Radiums Yesterday. I thought the ones I had still looked cood until I put the new ones on!!!


The new ones were SOOO much brighter than the other ones. Im excited to see what the new bulbs do to the corals in the next few weeks!!!

I also pulled off the back 2 6' VHO's because of the way the rack was built. It was built to be directly over the tank. When I built my tank, I built it into the wall so the Canopy sits 4" back due to the wall header infront of it!

So I replaced then w/ 4 2' VHO's. Plus, this gave me VHO coverage on the two ends of the tank that the other 2 6' VHO's do not cover. I was very excited about doing this, but upon completion of the project, Im not really happy with it. The 2'ers just dont put out much light... I think Im gonna see if I can put 2 more 6'ers somewhere to add some more ACtinic Light...

In other news, I gave my buddy my Oldest coral... My Green Slimmer!!! It was well over a foot wide. It was just too big to fit in my tiny 300 :lol: I just couldn't find a good place for it. But now that it is gone, he part of the tnak it was in looks bare!!!

I guess I need some more coral to fill in the open space!!!

I think im going ot get a Nano wavebox for my Frag/Chalice tank. I've been battling a lot of algea in the frag tank and a some chalice die back... I think this is because of poor waterflow int eh frag tank adn the detrius is settling on the corals which isn't helping them! So the addition of the wave box will help keep the particles in suspention and available for export!!!

And while im at it, I think Im gonna add a wavebox to the Dispaly to help keep the top layer of the sand turned up a little!!!

Sorry for the lengthy journal entry, I just want to keep updated!

Oh and for the long post, here is a picture!!!

Hi Ryan, hows your tank doing? How will you add your black tang when you get one, do you expect much aggression? Thank You for answering so many questions for me.
Hi Tracey! How is the tank coming?

Im not gonna add teh Black tang for some time. I have some very nice fish in QT right now and a very nice group coming in next week that will occupy both my QT tanks for 8ish weeks. After that, It is either a pair of 2" Tinker's, a Conspic, and an Interrupta. Im just not sure what order I want to add them.

I was gonna hold off until next year for any/ all of these fish because they all require cooler temperatures and I didn't really want to drop a G on a new chiller.

But i found a good deal on a pacific Coasts 1/2 HP chiller that will be here next week. Even w/ the nice weather here in Central Cali my tank was getting between 78-79 the other day since I lowered the light rack. Then a few mornings ago I checked the tnak in the morning and the temp that usually comes down to 75 @ night only settled down to 76.5!!!

So, I figured I couldn't wait for the summer heat and I found a good deal on the chiller so i bought it!!!
Update Time!!!

I've been very busy w/ the tanks! I counted 6 different tanks in teh Fish room including the Display!

My Black Tang and 3 Rhomboids came down with what I thought was Ich, but later decided it was Velvet! When I saw the Ich, I started Copper right away. Then, once it became more clear it was velvet, (and after talking w/ Chris!) I decided to put them into Hypo as well. I was pretty nervous becaue velvet is so lethal so quick. Also, the black and an a female Rhomboid wernt' eating at all which didnt' help things. So I gave the Black Tang a FW dip which seemed to ehlp a lot. Then a day or two later, I gave the Black Tang and the Rhomoid a ParaGuard bath for an hour which also seemed to help w/ the white patches. And after 2 days I got the SG down to 1.009. Once I hit that point, both all of the fish were eating like champs!!! I was so happy! I know i need to run the copper to truly kill the velvet so i tested the water for copper to see where it was after adding all that fresh water. It is between .25 and .5 so im gonna leave them be and fatten them up for a day or two then add the remainder of the cupramine to and start a 21 day timer! These guys are gonna be in QT for quite a while. They have 6 weeks of hypo, 2 21day treatments of copper and 2 X one week prazi treatments coming up! But better safe than sorry!!!

I also added a wavebox to the Dispaly and a nano wavebox to the Frag tank. The nano wavebox helped quite a bit with keeping detrius in suspention with the frag tank. I have all my Chalices in there to keep them safe from teh angels, but the detrius settlling on them has been tough on them. In addition to that, i pulled all the corals and fish out of the frag tank and shop vac'd the entire thing and scrapped all the walls clean. What a difference!

Then I added half the old water back in and half fresh salt for my waterchange! Plus, i added a quiteOne4000 as a return pump to the frag tank. I had the Overflow from the display feeding the frag tank but it was just putting too much crap in the frag tank. i had put a filter sock on the output to help catch some, but then it would overflow too quick and fill the frag tank with microbubbles!!! DAMN!

So this new fix has seemed to help out a ton!!!

Oh, and i sold off my 1/4 HP chiller and got a used 1/2 HP Pacific coasts chiller for a really good price. I hooked it up for a trial run and it can keep the temp down easily... At least on the nice days!!!

Im still debating putting it under the frag tank in teh fish room to start. However, I think im gonna plumb it outside and just run the lines through the wall of the house, that way it wont make the fish room any hotter than it already is!!!
Very nice Ryan. The improvement in the picture quality is almost as nice as the tank :thumbsup:
Ryan, you have an amazing tank. Great corals and awsome selection of fish. Truely a very inspiring tank. Keep up the good work.
Ryan, I'm glad I finally had some time and tracked down your thread. The tank looks great, but had 1 nasty side effect.....Now I REALLY miss my 250g:(
Ryan, you have an amazing tank. Great corals and awsome selection of fish. Truely a very inspiring tank. Keep up the good work.

Thanks Robert!

Im glad I can offer someone what others have offered me :lol2:

In a year or so, I really think the tank is gonna be off the HOOK after I add some more fish and the corals start to fill in :dance:
Nice tank

Thank you very much! I need to get some better tank pictures. Large tank shots are very difficult because I can only focus in on small spot w/ the lens I have. Plus, these were just kinda random shots while shooting close ups of some SPS. I need to take some time and work on a Nice FTS.

Mark has convinced me to put up a background, so that will make a difference for sure!!!
For now, I'm going with a 70g Tech tank that I got in a partial trade from selling my 250g. I'd like to bump it up to a 120g at least, but this'll have to do for now:)

OK Cool. I've got a 75 frag tank but I would much rather have the working room of a 120 :thumbsup: