Sad day for my Tank


New member
What a sad day yesterday. I come home to find my Birds nest, Millies and Red Dragon %75 RTN. This Morning it was all gone and now all the other SPS are doing the same. My luck has it that I start planning new tank and now I have no live stock for it.

Here is what I have done to try to save Corals. Fish seem to be un effected.

Tank Size: 210

Mag= 1300
near 0 P04
SG=.1025 Precision Hydrometer and refractor
Nitrate= near 0
PH= 8.1
No traceable Ammonias or Nitrites

ESV B-Ionic 2 part

I have been dosing Vodka for nearly 4 years. Dosage has always been 2ml per day.

No AEFW after inspection with magnifying glass or red bugs.

Salt: Red Sea (have new box of reef crystals I plan to switch back to.)

I will admit I have not been up to date on RO membranes and still getting a TDS reading of 0.

But placed order to replace all of it. I also switched to Chloramines blocks about 6 months ago. I have a 5 stage unit

So far I have a fresh 2 cups of seachem carbon in a reactor running and dropped in a bag of purigen (was thinking of adding media for metal removal as a just in case but I have no test for it).

Did another 20 gallon water change this morning and did a 60 gallon last night.

Did I miss anything?
Man I am sorry to hear this. Do you have any carbon for chlorimines? If so I would add that 2. Other then that it sounds like you have everything covered. When was the last time you tested your TDS meter? Could the bat be dieing. When mine where dieing my TDS showed 0 when it really was much higher then that. This was on the RODI system. I used a hand held one and thats how I found it
Have you tried a poly filter? Did anyone clean around the tank last night or yesterday?

Nope. Strict rule at home about clean with sprays. I was going to get a copper test kit but I think at lunch I might go home an pick one up.

I can't find my handheld TDS meter. I will keep looking. Regardless I am replacing it all

If you want to stop the necrosis you need to pull the corals and do a 6 day treatment of ampicillin outside of the display. Last month it was discovered necrosis is a result of a bacterial infection.

<iframe src="//" width="668" height="714" frameborder="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="no" style="border:1px solid #CCC; border-width:1px; margin-bottom:5px; max-width: 100%;" allowfullscreen> </iframe> <div style="margin-bottom:5px"> <strong> <a href="//" title="White band antibiotic treatment for corals" target="_blank">White band antibiotic treatment for corals</a> </strong> from <strong><a href="//" target="_blank">cuzza</a></strong> </div>
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I have a copper test kit if you want to stop by and pick it up. Send me a PM if you want to borrow it.

I am extremely sorry to hear this. You tank is simply beautiful and I know how much time and effort you have put into it. If there is anything I can to help you out, please don't hesitate to text me. I will make myself available to lend a hand.

On that note, I have a new hand held TDS meter. Just say the word and I'll drop it off and help test anything this afternoon.

Again, really sorry this took place.
Manny thank you very much. I might buy back a frag of red dragon. I think I might take this sad opportunity to reboot and start new. I am going to get the 300DD before Mike convinces me to go 120x30x30 :)

I am also going to setup a Water Change station and upgrade RO.

Arron I might take you up on testing cooper for me before I drop in poly filter.

At this point its to late but at least I will know if it had something to do with it.
If you stop by later I still have a slim peace of blue mille that you might be able to save and Red as well. Red Dragon is gone. Loripes is totally un effected and have plenty.
This should make everyone be a lot more careful with amino dosing.
Not trying to be a jerk Bigz and I am sure you know that. We all just need to be more careful.
This should make everyone be a lot more careful with amino dosing.
Not trying to be a jerk Bigz and I am sure you know that. We all just need to be more careful.

Sorry for my ignorance here,but I'm trying to understand this statement was it the dosing of amino acids? I was leaning more towards chloramines. And I can't say enough, how sorry I am to hear about this big, it's disheartening when things go south.
Dave: Replied to text.

Hobbz: Yes I have 2 15 year old and a 5.

Rob: Not sure what was the trigger but I have been dosing acropower for over 6 months. But yes applying Keep It Simple Stupid method next time around is my goal :). Including cutting back carbon dosing.

Oblio: Thanks chloramines was my first suspect.

I miss my red dragon.

Sorry to hear Bigz. I have a copper test kit and TDS meter. I can have it over to you after work . Just say the word.
Hey Z sorry to see this sad day happen but on a bright side you can make the changes you want to reboot and looks like a lot of reefers in line to help you get back from this nightmare. hope you find the root cause and keep us posted......Again sorry to see this with another beautiful tank.
Thanks Darsh, Any one have chloramine/chlorine test kits. I still want to test for Cooper. but I am leaning towards chloramine.