Sad, Sad, Day! :,-(


Premium Member
This a sad day! I had to euthanize a maroon clown I got in 1997. It was really sad to see her just lying next to a big brown finger Sinularia sp. she's been hosting the last four years. I counted it up and she's lived through 8 moves and two crashes. 4 of the moves were for redecorating the room she was in, 2 were change of residence and 2 were when her acrylic tank started leaking and she and her tankmates were in a holding tank for a couple weeks while it was repaired. The first crash was in 2002 when a UV failed during an ick outbreak (I say crash as we lost most of the fish but the corals were fine). The second crash was 4 years ago when a house sitter somehow accidentally set the heat in the house at 90, only survivors were her, a yellow tang, a green brittle star and some hermit crabs. How she and the tang made it in an 80 gallon tank when all the leathers, euphilia, zoas and mushrooms and half a dozen other fish were just blobs of goo is beyond me but she was clearly a survivor.

Maximum life expectancy in the wild is around 28 years. I'm pretty sure she wasn't more than a year or two old when I got her and her mate. They were in a tank together in a LFS and were displaying typical paired behaviour but she was only about 3 1/2" or 4" long TL or about 2/3rds adult female size. She really was a black widow though. Her first mate was found dead a few months after the first move in 2000 and every introduction after wards never survived more than a few weeks even when I tried 3 at one time. :(


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Holy clown! 20 yo? Sad indeed. On the bright side, she is now swimming free in fish heaven.

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Sorry to hear, that must be heartbreaking... but wow, that was a good run so kudos to you.
That sucks, sorry to hear. I had a tomato pair that made it to 17 yo then I lost both within a few month span.

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That's is sad. Why did you have to euthanize?

There is the argument she should have been left to see if she gets better. But she had stopped eating ladt week and she would scoot up into her finger coral but she would not "wallow" in it like she used too but would slide out of it and end up back on the sand. There certainly was not anything wrong with anybody else so it was just her. Having been in this situation before the cuc do not wait for death with a fish that is too weak or can't swim and that would have been a cruel way to let her die. I also know from working with vets putting her in a hospital tank and trying to treat her by dumping antibiotics in it would have a poor chance of maintaining therapeutic levels, even worse if she was not eating. And trying to do so would have subjected her to a lot more stress. Letting her go out peacefully seemed the kindest thing to do.
I would be so sad. 20 years of growing and learning together, feeding her watching her. Pretty amazing. I think euthanization was the best way to handle this. [emoji1303]

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Wow.. So sorry to hear about your loss. That is a long time to have a fish. Most people never have a fish that long. You obviously did right by your clown to have him so long. Again, sorry for your loss.