salt water disposal: Septic system

If your that worried, you can always boil the water off until salt is left, and dispose of the remains. I don't know if the salt can be recycled.
I agree with all of the septic dumpers, I was worried about this exact problem and researched heavily as I am using septic and well in a 2mil house , don't sweat it and dump into septic, throw a biological septic treatment in ur toilet every 6 months if u r worried. No problems here for 4 years
Count me in. I have been dumping saltwater in my septic for over 6 years and not one issue. Being in Delaware we have to get the system tested yearly and ours is and has been great.
jonright- you describe my property and situation perfectly... I too have a new house on an acre with a lake out my back door and am currently planning my in-wall build and fish-room. I have contemplated a cistern/drywell in the woods in the backyard...feeling better with the positive experiences people have had dumping SW in their septic. I do not want to hijack this thread but would like to hear if anyone has had a real problem with saltwater-into-septic-system -thanks
BTW - I've had a few visits by the septic guys and everything is running very well.

Apparently the scant amout of sea water I throw down the drain is nothing compared to water softener systems.
If you're worried about the run off to the lake, you could always lug it to a wastewater run off system that has a purpose built wetland at the bottom. Those marsh plants sequester all kinds of stuff. But this is a hassle of course and will look strange to an observer like a state trooper for example. But in reality the salt volume is small and most of it will be kept in the soil if you dump it far enough away from the waters edge or a feeder creek.
i run tubing out to my front deck for water changes. water from the tank drains through the slats in the deck flooring. i never have weeds under there.
I have sent change water to my septic and never had any issues. In comparison to showers, clothes & dish washer, softener it does not really make much of an impact.