New member
BTW- there are some good vendors out there and there are also some shady ones
well i believe ALOT of the vendors are shady, many of them are into this fad and have been in the business for less than 2 years......
The main one i currently like is liveaquaria, i can go to divers den, pick out $200 of zoas and have them shipped for free and have probably 1500 polyps.......... any other vendors zoa's are around $2.00 polyp minimum........ for basic green zoa's....come on 5 polyp frags for $30??? Through L.A. i can cover the bottom of my tank with zoa's for $400... here youd be lucky to find a "mini colony" (thats what the new kids call a frag) for that.... I remember seeing a purple hornet frag with i think 16 polyps for $1000 shipped..... thats silly... Our local coral trading sucks anymore because of this, people are chopping up theyre entire tanks and making makeshift frag tanks and selling everything... for huge profits, i also wonder how some of these guys get away with posting hundreds of frags a month and arent considered "commercial selling" some are selling more than most vendors.... 5-30 pc frag packs??? When your selling $1000's of dollars of coral monthly its definately commercial and tax evasion...
I think im gonna start a website selling zoa frags with "new names" for a $1 a frag, buy $50 colonies and chop them up into 100 frags each and flood the market............