Same Zoanthid/Paly --- different names? Driving me NUTS


BTW- there are some good vendors out there and there are also some shady ones

well i believe ALOT of the vendors are shady, many of them are into this fad and have been in the business for less than 2 years......

The main one i currently like is liveaquaria, i can go to divers den, pick out $200 of zoas and have them shipped for free and have probably 1500 polyps.......... any other vendors zoa's are around $2.00 polyp minimum........ for basic green zoa's....come on 5 polyp frags for $30??? Through L.A. i can cover the bottom of my tank with zoa's for $400... here youd be lucky to find a "mini colony" (thats what the new kids call a frag) for that.... I remember seeing a purple hornet frag with i think 16 polyps for $1000 shipped..... thats silly... Our local coral trading sucks anymore because of this, people are chopping up theyre entire tanks and making makeshift frag tanks and selling everything... for huge profits, i also wonder how some of these guys get away with posting hundreds of frags a month and arent considered "commercial selling" some are selling more than most vendors.... 5-30 pc frag packs??? When your selling $1000's of dollars of coral monthly its definately commercial and tax evasion...

I think im gonna start a website selling zoa frags with "new names" for a $1 a frag, buy $50 colonies and chop them up into 100 frags each and flood the market............
More people selling zoanthids means more people striving to do better than their competition. That's why we have a greater selection; AND that's also why the prices are slowly decreasing.

A jump in pricing is exaclty what we needed.

WOW you are brainwashed or just filthy rich. the prices wont go down with more competition, look at the vendors prices, they are all high and sell 2-3-4-5 polyp frags.... for huge money and are laughing all the way to the bank... all these names like tyree and such..... he made his name by buying corals and selling them for HUGE prices, not because he has anything LE, collector etc...... Its funny i see some newcombers order soooo many corals spending tens of thousands of dollars for bragging rights, they know every "name" of every coral in theyre tank for bragging purposes for how much money they spent, little do they know ive seen many tanks where people have spent less than $200 on corals for theyre entire tank and are breathtaking....
the prices wont go down with more competition, look at the vendors prices, they are all high and sell 2-3-4-5 polyp frags....[emphasis mine]

You've mixed tenses up, both in your brain and in the language.

for huge money and are laughing all the way to the bank... all these names like tyree and such..... he made his name by buying corals and selling them for HUGE prices, not because he has anything LE, collector etc...... Its funny i see some newcombers order soooo many corals spending tens of thousands of dollars for bragging rights, they know every "name" of every coral in theyre tank for bragging purposes for how much money they spent, little do they know ive seen many tanks where people have spent less than $200 on corals for theyre entire tank and are breathtaking....

I'm talking about economic theory, I have no idea what argument you're trying to make.

Long story short things cannot be other than they are. If you don't like it, you can keep goldfish. I'm trying to reason and predict what is actually happening, you're just complaining.
some corals are very close.other ones that you named look very different.i think the only thing a "named" coral does is help you get more money for it when you go to sell frags.i say go with what you think looks good in your a big fan of xienia myself and people give it away
Come to Indonesia, and i will give all zoa in the list for free ... Purple Hornets $1000 for 16 polyps ????:headwally:

Wow, i have a big colony, and i'll be rich if i live in US :spin2:
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indosian people are not as money suckers as americans.
in indonesia you let your kids live with you for free, in america you ask your kids to pay rent.
The naming may not be the only reason for price increases. Everything relative is also getting more expensive. I agree, certain people do go too far, but I don't mind it. The price increase is creating larger profit for many owners, but it has also attracted many more small-time vendors to the market. I've personally noticed that within the past 5 years the availability of corals online has seriously increased. I no longer need to rely on 2-3 vendors, but I can choose from 50+ different vendors from around the world. What has also increased is types and kinds of products available. For the longest time at reef-shops in Montreal (in terms of zoanthids) I had a choice: brown or yellow. More people selling zoanthids means more people striving to do better than their competition. That's why we have a greater selection; AND that's also why the prices are slowly decreasing.

A jump in pricing is exaclty what we needed. It has created interest in our field, and this interest has contributed to articles, studies, new findings and so much more. The prices will settle. For the time being, when you shop, look at pictures and the prices, ignore the names and I'm sure you'll be just fine.

That is a nice use of reverse psychology to get the point across. Most will just argue that over pricing is wrong and should not be encouraged. Instead you make it seem like you are all for the inflated prices and how they are a good thing.

Good job.
I have most of the Zoas you named and there is differences ex. devil armors and armor of gods, the devils armor hav a very pronounced bat pattern in the face of the polyp... IMO i think most of the people just have to accept that the "name game" is here to stay.and the whole price thing IS pretty crazy but all it takes is for one person to start selling a rare piece like lets say "sopranos" for $5.00pp then boom! its over... it actually helps me know which ones which i probably would never get the ones im looking for if ask around saying "anyone know where i can those red zoas with black stripes?" when i can just say im looking for some Darth mauls or whatever...
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Selling cheaper won't work. It has to do with people not paying those ridiculous prices. I've seen people selling god of wars frags with 5+ polyps in swaps for $20 and what happens is the big retailers at the swap bought them all and when people asked they were selling the frags for 50pp on freshly cut frags.
People charging their kids rent in the USA? LOL. When did this become a bash the usa thread?
Eagle Eye/Whammin Watermelon
This is an example of what I think I am seeing in my tank. I posted a thread about it recently with different colored skirts. All of my zoas grew from the same frag plug but a year and half later all of a sudden about 20 polyps or so started showing yellow skirts. Same zoa different color.