Hi Laura,
I made the upgrade from a 30 to 75g myself about 4 years ago. I too always had crushed coral in my 30g, but reading up at the time everyone was saying how terrible crushed coral was and how much better sand or B.B. was. Hmm, the crushed coral worked fine in the 30g for 16 yrs. I hate the look of B.B. and could not imagine it would be fun needing to scrape coralline algae off the bottom instead of just the walls. So I went with sand, it was something like reef special grade. I hated it. It was hard to vacuum (which is part of most of my water charges), if it did get any algae growing on it, it clumped up. After a year or so I gave up and slowly removed the sand (it was coming out when I vacuumed anyhow) and replaced with my standby crushed coral.
I only use a ~1” layer regardless of substrate. I tried a deep sand bed in another tank back in the early 2000’s and did not like that either.
Just my experience. I don’t think that there is a single best choice for everyone.