I'd go bare bottom with a white PVC type bottom. Sand always caused issues for me in the log run. Its really beneficial to run one, but managing phosphate and nitrate were more important to me.
I'd go bare bottom with a white PVC type bottom. Sand always caused issues for me in the log run. Its really beneficial to run one, but managing phosphate and nitrate were more important to me.
+1"¦ But the BB vs Sand topic has been beaten to death lol.
Best sand would be tropic eden reef flakes. Even with 2 MP40's on max, it would not blow or shift in my tank. Perfect grain size!
mike live fiji pink reef sand ... very tiny crystals and very fine....call me
Caribsea Seaflor special is a heavy sand.
but if u want the white sand look with nice sized granules and heavy weight, then go for Tropic Eden reef flakes. The only problem is that they are extremely rare to come by.
I have yet to try the miniflakes but they are also very good.
thanksI think the overwhelming consensus is Reef Flakes or Caribsea special grade are the nicest sands. You can only get reef flakes through premium aquatics, it's expensive, and not always available. That's what I will be using, LOL!
I have two MP40's....
The pumps are set to various settings throughout the day and speeds up to 80%.
I use pretty fine sand with no issues. Pumps are on each side of the tank a little higher than half way up. Also, the wet side has a solid section on it. I face that solid part down towards the sand. I don't know if that helps, but it's the way I've been doing it.
this is the sand I use you can see it's pretty small
Special Grade Seaflor right here. Sand of choice for a couple tanks now, with either MP's or WP's
I just put 2 Wp40s in my tank and flow is great.
My sand is too thin though. What do you guys recommend. Please give details. Im not huge fan of thick shells and crushed coral. Still want it to look like sand.
Links would be great if RC does not mind