SaraB's 268 Gallon Build¦ Try #3!

LOL, it's a Love/Hate relationship. I'm starting to understand why people stay in abusive relationships ... :eek2:
I'll also add in the constant battle from the two sides of the force and me trying to bring balance to them...

Hi Sarah! I just bought a tank that's 96" x 30" x 24". Very similar to your tank. I was thinking about lighting it with either 3 - 400 watt Radiums or 4 - 250 watt Radiums. All would be in Sunlight Supply Lumenmax reflectors. Similar to your Lumenarcs.

Are you still running 3 - 250 watt Radiums? Are you happy with them? Do you feel that it's enough light?

I'm going with mostly Acros. I want an intense amount of light for optimum color and growth.

LOL, it's a Love/Hate relationship. I'm starting to understand why people stay in abusive relationships ... :eek2:

:) That about sums it up :) It's a bipolar relationship with our tanks for sure. When they're up they're up, but when they're down, they're way down.
Love/Hate Biopolar relation, man you guys are funny!:lolspin::lolspin:

Mpoletti and pookstreet I know how nice of a tank you guys have and was wondering if you have a DSB of any short in the fuge. I actually changed up some things just like Sara. :mixed: I took the sandbed out of the DT. I'm in the process of designing my sump and was wondering if a DSB in the fuge would be a good idea for nitrate reduction or is it just a detritus trap like some say?? :hammer:

Thanks, Tim
I had a DSB at one time and over time, I removed it and went to a bacteria system. It just seemed like it was counter productive besides pod population in my tank. If I had a very large system, then I would include one, but if its not a higher percentage of water volume, IMO/IME, then they have a short lived benefit.
Hi Sarah! I just bought a tank that's 96" x 30" x 24". Very similar to your tank. I was thinking about lighting it with either 3 - 400 watt Radiums or 4 - 250 watt Radiums. All would be in Sunlight Supply Lumenmax reflectors. Similar to your Lumenarcs.

Are you still running 3 - 250 watt Radiums? Are you happy with them? Do you feel that it's enough light?

I'm going with mostly Acros. I want an intense amount of light for optimum color and growth.


Hey Chad!

Yes, I'm still running the 3 - 250W Radiums and I do feel they are enough light and I'm happy with their color. I think with your 24" height, the 400's would be too much light and a waste of extra watts is my personal opinion.
Yeah, same here. I try to stay away from the vodka, don't want my system to get sick on me. ;) How would I set up this bacteria system and where can I purchase the necessary additives? :beer:
Yeah, same here. I try to stay away from the vodka, don't want my system to get sick on me. ;) How would I set up this bacteria system and where can I purchase the necessary additives? :beer:

Mark uses the product named Prodibio. Here's a link and search on that word. I have 2 of the products but have not yet started dosing. I like to let things sit on my shelves for months before I get around to using them ;)

I have the Prodibio BioDigest and the Bioptim products that'll start dosing one of these days.
Thanks for the link Sara. Your very helpful! Looks interesting in how it works. May have to give it a try.

I think once you hook up your calcium reactor your corals will do tremendously better because 2 part can only go so far in a tank with that much water volume. The concentration becomes diluted and more needs to be added regularly.

I really like BRS 2 part and have had good results with it. B-ionic becomes way to expensive. IMO, the only difference is b-ionic has trace elements. These can be easily replenished via WCs or manually dosing. I use the balling method and like how BRS cal/alk/mag completely dissolve in solution and don't need to be shaken regularly. I find B-ionic to have some crystals at the bottom of the alk solution. hth :wave:
when they're down, they're way down.

So Shawn hit the nail on the head with my current state of my system. I've lost about 100 corals so far and there's no end in sight currently. Something has ahold of my corals and nothing has been spared other than zoa's and ricordea and some tonga mushrooms at this point. The flesh is peeling off the acans, bowerbanki's and wilsoni's. The favia's are receeding right along with the chalices. The majority of the LE chalices were moved, but all but a few that were left are showing their skeletons. I've even melted Duncans ... the darn weeds in my system.

The skeletons left behind are either stark white and some have a hue of pink. I have no clue what is wrong and I'm about to toss in the towel on them... I've done big water changes, running carbon, chemipure, blah, blah, blah. I hit the tank tonight with Interceptor just to see if it helps but I'm at a loss in more ways than one with this now.
So Shawn hit the nail on the head with my current state of my system. I've lost about 100 corals so far and there's no end in sight currently. Something has ahold of my corals and nothing has been spared other than zoa's and ricordea and some tonga mushrooms at this point. The flesh is peeling off the acans, bowerbanki's and wilsoni's. The favia's are receeding right along with the chalices. The majority of the LE chalices were moved, but all but a few that were left are showing their skeletons. I've even melted Duncans ... the darn weeds in my system.

The skeletons left behind are either stark white and some have a hue of pink. I have no clue what is wrong and I'm about to toss in the towel on them... I've done big water changes, running carbon, chemipure, blah, blah, blah. I hit the tank tonight with Interceptor just to see if it helps but I'm at a loss in more ways than one with this now.
:sad1: Sara I'm sorry to hear that the issues are still continuing. I'm hoping for the best and sending good vibes your way in hopes that it helps in some way. Hang in there :sad2:
So Shawn hit the nail on the head with my current state of my system. I've lost about 100 corals so far and there's no end in sight currently. Something has ahold of my corals and nothing has been spared other than zoa's and ricordea and some tonga mushrooms at this point. The flesh is peeling off the acans, bowerbanki's and wilsoni's. The favia's are receeding right along with the chalices. The majority of the LE chalices were moved, but all but a few that were left are showing their skeletons. I've even melted Duncans ... the darn weeds in my system.

The skeletons left behind are either stark white and some have a hue of pink. I have no clue what is wrong and I'm about to toss in the towel on them... I've done big water changes, running carbon, chemipure, blah, blah, blah. I hit the tank tonight with Interceptor just to see if it helps but I'm at a loss in more ways than one with this now.

I'm so sorry that you are facing this stuff Sara. You don't deserve it. I need you strong so that you and Lisa can help me through my inevitable crises...............Peter's fish room girls have got to be brave...........

Sara sorry the tank is more of a pain than pleasure right now. On podcast 3 or 4 you talked about a temperature controller I have never used one. What do you think of the American Marine Pinpoint controller,if you like one better what kind? Thanks
Sara sorry the tank is more of a pain than pleasure right now. On podcast 3 or 4 you talked about a temperature controller I have never used one. What do you think of the American Marine Pinpoint controller,if you like one better what kind? Thanks


I've never used the Pinpoint product, but I think the best bang for the buck these days is this one from Digital Aquatic's. The base model at $99 will control your heater and a couple more items as well.

There's other brands of controllers for more money, or you could try and find used ones as well ... but $99 for brand new is attractive in my mind!