SCA -301 Protein Skimmer on a timer?


New member
I put my skimmer(7" water level) on a timer to shut off for 45 minutes in the morning to feed to prevent the skimmer cup from overflowing due to the fact that the return pump is off for a 10 minute period to feed!

Does shutting off your skimmer daily effect performance of the skimmer?
Struggling to get her dialed in since i made the change to a daily timer!
A lot of people run their skimmers on a timer, so that shouldn't be an issue. As far as inconsistencies in your skimmer performance since the change, have you checked for obstructions / salt creep in the venturi? Any changes to the water level in your skimmer chamber?
Nope.. shouldn't be an issue at all..

Why shut off the return pump?
The ocean doesn't slow down during feeding time.. ;)