Scandinavian / Japanese Style Reef Tank

Looks great! Would love to see a new FTS

Thank you so much for the positive comment.
Grrrrr I am getting annoyed with my myself because although i got a good SLR camera (Canon 650D) whenever i take a picture it looks very purpleish and doesnt depict the reality. I am having a friend over in a couple of days to show me what i am doing wrong and then I will take some good FTS to share.

So .. Work in progresss :):deadhorse1:
Good winter solstice tidings to you and your loved ones, Dino. Since you report your corals are doing better than ever, I think it is safe to say your introduction into the new aquarium is a success. I have a question about this A. millepora:

There are two colors in what appears to be one colony. Is that so? It's very cool looking to me.

Hi biodegraded and sorry for the ultra late reply.

There were 3 different colours of A. millepora in one (Green, Red and Purple). Unfortunately the purple one didnt make it and after a week from being it bleached. The other two seem to be doing very good. I just took a picture of them but since its 20.46 it has started becoming dark in the tank to properly see their development:


Warm regards,

Welcome back. Glad that the back is doing better. Your tank is looking amazing. Since you are the fish guy, what is your long-term stocking plan?
You know sound like my partner :) I am a fish person and this is the same sentence i hear every time i want to "adopt" a new fish... ".. Dino... fishes need to be added slowly.." :)
So far the measurements are really stable and Nitrates on the same level so i cant wait for adding more fishes soooooooooon :mixed:


haha!!! :beer:

...... Thanks for posting the new pics, tanks looking awesome!
Hi Peter and thanks for dropping a note.

WOW your aquarium looks AMAZING. You should definitely find time and start again. Seeing the pictures of your corals makes me a bit jealous (in a good way). You seem to be very good with SPS and I might need your guidance as i am still a rookie.

Once again thanks for the kind words and sorry for the late reply.

Best regards,
Hi Dino,
thank for your kind words!
My old system was completely different. Technical advice / streams, light / I can not give it to you, sorry! This / closedloop, LED lighting / new even for me! Therefore, I can base your experiences. I need it to start again! To be sure, you need to find the right flow, good lighting, good water quality and take care of the trace element supply. I am convinced that many animals need maintenance. I have 40 pieces Clibanarius Tricolor / mini hermit crab / Turbo, Tecthus, Trohus, Erosaria annulus, snails were 60 pieces. Sand star, snake arm star. I had a 240 liter tank of algae and filter DSB, which was in contact with the main tank. As I see it very well on you go!:thumbsup:
Best regards,
Welcome back. Glad that the back is doing better. Your tank is looking amazing. Since you are the fish guy, what is your long-term stocking plan?

Thank you so much SUPPOReefer :celeb2:

Well the long term stocking plan is not so much dependent on the type of fishes but more of the overall feeling. What I would like to achieve is well balanced display with a combination of a couple of large fishes and small ones. Preferably a few that school together and some that you only see once in a blue moon. And all these in harmony... this is the reason why we will exclude any damsel fish or false gamma. No space for territorial and mean little ones in the tank ;) Colour balance is also an important factor. We also tend to like the couples. We already have a couple of clown fishes and 2 pairs of cardinal. I guess we plan as we go along. Unfortunately also all those colourful SPS eaters are also excluded.

My friend... Too many options too little money :eek2:
Hi Dino,
thank for your kind words!
My old system was completely different. Technical advice / streams, light / I can not give it to you, sorry! This / closedloop, LED lighting / new even for me! Therefore, I can base your experiences. I need it to start again! To be sure, you need to find the right flow, good lighting, good water quality and take care of the trace element supply. I am convinced that many animals need maintenance. I have 40 pieces Clibanarius Tricolor / mini hermit crab / Turbo, Tecthus, Trohus, Erosaria annulus, snails were 60 pieces. Sand star, snake arm star. I had a 240 liter tank of algae and filter DSB, which was in contact with the main tank. As I see it very well on you go!:thumbsup:
Best regards,

Peter..WOW ... we are talking about professional work you did. R.E.S.P.E.C.T.
Our cleaning team is under-recruited so next "hirings" will be on the "cleaning department".

Thanks for the advice. Appreciate your reply.

Warm regards,
Here comes a small photographic update of some new add ons











Some of the SPS is unfortunately not doing so good and have been relocating them in the tank. Phosphates is the reason and we had to take immediate actions in order not to loose all of our SPS (2 out of 10 bleached and another 2 are in the process of bleaching). What we started treating the tank with was 1ml of a phosphate remover a day (similar to the one they treat swimming pools). Although 1ml in 757L is a small star in the galaxy we manage to reduce the phosphate levels from 0.14 (which is a lethal dose for corals) to 0.092. Funny part is that those 2 corals that started the process of bleaching just opened up their tentacles. Will update you of the process of rehabilitation.

Thats all for now.
From Copenhagen to the world.... have a wonderful evening all!

Warm regards,
Hi Dino,
If phosphate is a problem later on, I suggest you do the technical tank, a small reactor. I used to be / 'cause I like to fish and I had a little bit more and ... /. This put the Rowaphos phosphate remover. It is very good!
Very nice corals bought, congratulations and good luck!
I had also one of my favorite Heliofungia.
Warm regards,
Hello everyone,

In my recent drop by the fish store I decided to buy a few colourful Ricordea Florida. They were really nice apart from one thing, the disc they are often attached to. I heard that breaking them could make placement in the tank a mission impossible so another technique was used to cover the symmetrical disc and "rockify" it. All needed is some clay and the head of a cross screw driver. Slight creative but it works and when the algae will grow on them they will look like small pieces of rock, at the same time if the ricordea spreads at one point then the clay can be removed along with the new ricordea baby and place them in a different position in the tank










From Copenhagen to the world... a wonderful evening to all and thank you for reading my update.

Warm regards,

Hi Dino,
If phosphate is a problem later on, I suggest you do the technical tank, a small reactor. I used to be / 'cause I like to fish and I had a little bit more and ... /. This put the Rowaphos phosphate remover. It is very good!
Very nice corals bought, congratulations and good luck!
I had also one of my favorite Heliofungia.
Warm regards,

Heliofungia is also one of my favourites. Today i saw the clown fishes couple to be "visiting" it and hope they will not cuddle it to death. Thanks for the tip about the phosphate - probably we will need it later on as i LOVE fishes and they can never be enough :rollface:
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Very clever what you did with Ricordea!
I do not fear that it will wrong with the Clown fish. Unfortunately, the fish scraping the coral. Presses the soft tissue of the coral skeleton. The damaged and broken.
I had a Euphyllia glabrasens, so the clownfish was kil them... They have right an Anemone, I think.
My "old" Helio:
Just read through your thread, and I love your tank! It looks awesome! I have one question for you, the hooks on the bottom of the front plate, did you make them yourself or buy them?


Love the aquascape and the lack of visible plumbing, well done! I'll be using this as inspiration on my new 60"x60"x24"... this thread just changed my entire plumbing plan. :crazy1:
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