Scandinavian / Japanese Style Reef Tank

This is the coolest build ever ! My dream... Great job with the details in this thread. I almost feel like I'm there with ya loll

Wow johntran216, you make me blush :spin1: Thank you so much for the super positive feedback and for your time in reading our thread. All the best from the other part of the world. And since i would like to make you feel that you are actually here then ... This picture i took this morning and is just outside my place. Cold?... oh yes!



Wow thanks for the detailed pics of the stand. It will help me out a lot since I am upgrading to a bigger tank. I will use the same panels and make one more for the new tank. I will also be removing the lip and have the panels go up over the plywood and foam base as you have done.

I hope you feel better soon and wish you a full recovery.
Wow thanks for the detailed pics of the stand. It will help me out a lot since I am upgrading to a bigger tank. I will use the same panels and make one more for the new tank. I will also be removing the lip and have the panels go up over the plywood and foam base as you have done.

I hope you feel better soon and wish you a full recovery.

Sounds like a nice plan you are having there Amanda. Looking forward to see the development.
Thanks for your wishes as well. Guess back problems come along with the ageing process.

All the best from Copenhagen


Dear Reef Central friends,

I am sorry for not being very active in the thread these past week but i have been hospitalized with my back and in severe agony the greater part of the day. Soon I will be back though and share with you the progress. Maybe even later on tonight.

Sorry you're not well. I hope you feel better soon : (

Dear Reef Central friends,

I am sorry for not being very active in the thread these past week but i have been hospitalized with my back and in severe agony the greater part of the day. Soon I will be back though and share with you the progress. Maybe even later on tonight.

Logged on to see your progress reports and see that you are at the hospital with back issues. So sorry to hear.

I have been through two back surguries and wanted you to know that I am doing great and in no pain. Even lifting those 5 gallon buckets full of water! hang in there. It will get better.

Looking better to more updates.
I just found this thread and am truly impressed with your attention to detail as well as the artistry of your aquascaping. I too hope you recover quickly from your back injury so that you can fully enjoy what you have built and what is yet to come. I'll be tagging along...
I just read this thread. I absolutely love the concept and execution. The off-back-wall overflow placed at the golden ratio forming the visual anchor is brilliant. I have that also in mind for my dream aquarium, except I would put negative space there whereas yours is positive.

I've not seen silicone rubber feet glued to rock before. What a great idea; lots of great ideas. And this caught my attention:

Two 25 liter containers up four stories of stairs? You sure grow your women-folk strong there i Danmark. :eek2: (For the Imperial measurement peeps, she's carrying 110 lbs give or take.) The bonsai on the shelving goes with your aquarium. :)

I'll be closely following this thread. May your back heal rapidly and keep the posts coming.

Dear Reef Central friends,

I am now out of the hospital with a bag full of strong painkillers and anti-inflammatory pills. The pain is growing stronger day by day but at least now the doctors know what is wrong. The medical term of my condition is "Modic Changes" and is basically a degeneration of the vertebrae in the spine which has caused an edema and the severe agony. No real treatment as doctors still try to find out what causes it - guess i am just one of the lucky ones.

But lets focus on the positive sides of life :dance:

Here comes another update...

As I mentioned on a previous thread the water we used was already matured thus we could minimize the time we need for cycling. To be 100% sure we added some bacteria. The name of it BioGro Marine 123. 3 different bottles of ready to use bacteria to add into your system.


So far I have been mainly emphasising in the tank and above the tank (ocean motion) but the heart of the system is below. We have made a short video showing how the system below is connected. As the video was done when we firstly connected all the equipment there is a cord mess, now it looks better.

I have to say that the Skimz skimmer is a real jewellery. Was the cheapest of all options, made in Singapore with a great performance and nearly soundless. Very easy to use without having to wet your hands every time you need to adjust the bubbles or the level of the water.

The filter solution is the cheapest, one can possibly think of and yet very efficient. All we used was a plastic strainer, 1 PCV tube cut in 4 pieces and 4 wire seals.





The PVC "foot" ensures circulation also under the filter.


On top we simply place a piece of cotton filter which we secure around with a common elastic band. Apart from being cheap and efficient one more benefit is that if you are out travelling and the filter is full of debris, then the water is simply moving on in the sump without blocking the whole system.

By clicking the image below you can see the video

Thats all for tonight - hope you are all doing well and ready for a joyful Christmas.

Warm regards from Copenhagen,

Logged on to see your progress reports and see that you are at the hospital with back issues. So sorry to hear.

I have been through two back surguries and wanted you to know that I am doing great and in no pain. Even lifting those 5 gallon buckets full of water! hang in there. It will get better.

Looking better to more updates.

It is very supportive to hear that you are back on track after the operations. I am at the point of loosing faith so reading successful stories makes me smile.
Thanks Adam for your warm thoughts and support - I appreciate it.

Best regards,
I just found this thread and am truly impressed with your attention to detail as well as the artistry of your aquascaping. I too hope you recover quickly from your back injury so that you can fully enjoy what you have built and what is yet to come. I'll be tagging along...

Thanks acesq for the positive feedback - hope your time in reading my updates pay off in ideas on how to think differently.

Warm regards,
Rest well and take your time recovering. Tank is looking good and I personally love how your tank is setup. Glad you are back.