Scandinavian / Japanese Style Reef Tank

I just read this thread. I absolutely love the concept and execution. The off-back-wall overflow placed at the golden ratio forming the visual anchor is brilliant. I have that also in mind for my dream aquarium, except I would put negative space there whereas yours is positive.

I've not seen silicone rubber feet glued to rock before. What a great idea; lots of great ideas. And this caught my attention:

Two 25 liter containers up four stories of stairs? You sure grow your women-folk strong there i Danmark. :eek2: (For the Imperial measurement peeps, she's carrying 110 lbs give or take.) The bonsai on the shelving goes with your aquarium. :)

I'll be closely following this thread. May your back heal rapidly and keep the posts coming.


Thanks Keith for the feedback and for your time in reading my thread. It is a good idea with more negative space. I got Greek origins but it is true, Danes are true Vikings. Especially the women are of an average 1.80m height and insanely strong. Not to talk about the men. I look like a midget with my 1.75 height :hmm6: The girl in the picture (Aya is her name) is doing cross fit every day and was also impressed seeing her carrying the canisters in couples.

Thanks for your wishes concerning my health - Hopefully soon i will be back on track.

Warm regards,
Hi Dino, nice idea the "shopping cart" filter, Do you want use it always or only for maturing period?
I think you'll find the lives critters escaped from the skimmer when your system will be mature.

And for your health, i hope you feel better soon :)
Hi Dino, nice idea the "shopping cart" filter, Do you want use it always or only for maturing period?
I think you'll find the lives critters escaped from the skimmer when your system will be mature.

And for your health, i hope you feel better soon :)

Well... we kind of run out of budget and i think we will stick to this solution for as long as it serves us. We have been looking at the filter solution that looks like toilet (excuse me) paper but is way expensive for now. Will keep a close eye on the measurements which will eventually ring the bell when the time to change this will be. In the meantime i will be posting updates on how it works (or not works)


Sorry to hear about your back, tank and your ideas are truly inspirational!

I must visit Denmark sometime soon, love tall beautiful woman :)
Hello Dino,

I am thankful that I have never had back problems in my 53 years of life. I gather that there are now synthetic disks that can be inserted in a spine in your case, and also vertebrae can be fused to aleviate the problem. I'm sure your Dr has forgotten more about this than I've ever learned, and I don't know the Danish equivelant words, so I wish you the best outcome on this topic.

On a happier topic, the nature of your bonsai aquarium is that you will be restricted to a few species. Have you decided which ones you wish to cultivate? After all, in a few years the corals will grow out and the aquascape will be different. I would like to hear how you will deal with future growth in your bonsai concept of today.

Oh, and please tell tall, strong Aya that I am in love with her. :love1: :rollface: And I am 189 cm tall, probably because my grandma Poulsen was from Denmark. :)

In seriousness, best regards and may your back heal as well as possible, Dino.

Hello Dino,

I am thankful that I have never had back problems in my 53 years of life. I gather that there are now synthetic disks that can be inserted in a spine in your case, and also vertebrae can be fused to aleviate the problem. I'm sure your Dr has forgotten more about this than I've ever learned, and I don't know the Danish equivelant words, so I wish you the best outcome on this topic.

On a happier topic, the nature of your bonsai aquarium is that you will be restricted to a few species. Have you decided which ones you wish to cultivate? After all, in a few years the corals will grow out and the aquascape will be different. I would like to hear how you will deal with future growth in your bonsai concept of today.

Oh, and please tell tall, strong Aya that I am in love with her. :love1: :rollface: And I am 189 cm tall, probably because my grandma Poulsen was from Denmark. :)

In seriousness, best regards and may your back heal as well as possible, Dino.


Hi Keith,

Aya has been very flattered and told me that when you come to explore your Danish roots we should go for a glass of wine :fun5:

"Bonsai" concept for us refer to simplicity, clarity and unity in the way one feels when seeing the tank - so we are mainly focusing on the aesthetic aspects of a harmonious co existence in both colours, shape and volume.

I am sure we will be faced with a lot of challenging decision makings once the coral will start growing. What we hope will help us maintain and carry out this "Bonsai" look is the current aquascaping. We know that there will be some "trimming" of corals and trading - I guess it is a bit prematurely for me to comment as we often in life change view on what we consider being harmonious to ones sight.

Thank you so much for your kind words and warm wishes concerning my back. This Xmas this is all I am wishing for - my health back.

All the best

Dear friends from Reef Central,

Initially I would like to wish you a joyful Xmas eve. Independent of our religious beliefs it is a festive season and lets all find the true value of what Xmas represents which is LOVE.

Since the measurements have been very stable and without fluctuation, a powerful skimmer on, live sand, good circulation, matured water, injected bacteria and good light .. so we took a chance with the corals.

There is a lot of opinions about how things should be done when introducing new corals in a newly built system and we know that we pushed things a little. Nearly 10 days afterwords corals from our previous system have never been more healthy and blown. To the small selection we had we got some itchy pockets and we bought some LPS.

I 'll update you all if things will remain being good or go really bad

Here are some pictures of the new residents in the tank:

















And with this small update i would like once again to wish you, your family and beloved ones happy festive season.

Warm regards,


Good winter solstice tidings to you and your loved ones, Dino. Since you report your corals are doing better than ever, I think it is safe to say your introduction into the new aquarium is a success. I have a question about this A. millepora:

cbitsiaras said:

There are two colors in what appears to be one colony. Is that so? It's very cool looking to me.
Looking good!!! .... IMO, I think adding corals to your tank fast isn't such a big deal as long as your conditions are stable. It's fish that need to be added slowly. :thumbsup:
I, unfortunately, stopped the hobby for 3 years. Working abroad and do not have the time. You have very good ideas and good work! Soon I will have enough time and re-start the hobby. So, I look forward to the continuation of the thread! I think, this is one of the some best threads. Good luck to you! And thank you for the inspiration!

My old 800 liter tank:

and some coral shots:


Dear Reef Central friends,

Once again apologies for a long period of being idle. As you know from earlier update my back has not been feeling so good and used the entire 4 weeks of sick leave following various treatments. Good news is that I started feeling better and hence back in our beloved hobby.. Reef Central Forum :)

Many things have happened in the development of my project but i have kept track of everything in order to share them with you.

Forgetful as we are we thought that with a tank of this size it would be necessary to add a dosing system that would pump Mg, Ca, kH and tracing elements following the Balling Method. They system has been in use now a couple of weeks and it a real relief as in the old system these had to be added manually and was never sure if i put too much or too little. In this system the "headache" is that the dosing pumps needs to be programmed with the correct quantities which are individual for every system and every "stock" so periodically we will be adjusting it.







A week after the introduction of the fishes and corals in the system the measurements are still stable:

Temp: 25c
NO3: 1
NO2: 0
PH: 8
KH: 12.1
PO4: 0
Mg: 1410
Ca: 430
Salinity: 1.024

And here as some photographs of our little family:















Hope you all had a great festive season surrounded by family, friends and beloved ones. And now that things are better with my health you will be seeing more updates.

Warm regards from snowy Copenhagen

I, unfortunately, stopped the hobby for 3 years. Working abroad and do not have the time. You have very good ideas and good work! Soon I will have enough time and re-start the hobby. So, I look forward to the continuation of the thread! I think, this is one of the some best threads. Good luck to you! And thank you for the inspiration!

My old 800 liter tank:

and some coral shots:



Hi Peter and thanks for dropping a note.

WOW your aquarium looks AMAZING. You should definitely find time and start again. Seeing the pictures of your corals makes me a bit jealous (in a good way). You seem to be very good with SPS and I might need your guidance as i am still a rookie.

Once again thanks for the kind words and sorry for the late reply.

Best regards,
Looking good!!! .... IMO, I think adding corals to your tank fast isn't such a big deal as long as your conditions are stable. It's fish that need to be added slowly. :thumbsup:

You know sound like my partner :) I am a fish person and this is the same sentence i hear every time i want to "adopt" a new fish... ".. Dino... fishes need to be added slowly.." :)
So far the measurements are really stable and Nitrates on the same level so i cant wait for adding more fishes soooooooooon :mixed:
