Schnitzel's Sticks

I haven’t been posting many pics lately cuz I got a new iPhone XS and the camera isn’t as good. It’s like it tries to over compensate for the bright blue lights, and the orange filter doesn’t work and if I don’t use the orange filter pics look just as bad. Kinda bummed. The older iPhone camera took great pics with the orange filter.

Have you tried shooting pictures in "raw" mode on the iPhone? it's the digital equivalent o film "negative". you can then use a good Raw converter to develop the file. It's not as convenient but they do produce the truest colors.

By the way, great photos of your corals. Always enjoyed looking at them. Thanks for posting!
I have just finished reading your entire thread. I have also watched all your Youtube videos. I was astonished that in two of the videos one person did not like what s/he watched. I sometimes find it difficult to figure out people's thinking.

You have an awesome tank. It sets a very high standard. It is a kinda benchmark for a SPS tank. I like its simplicity too.

I have two questions:

when you removed siporax, did you notice any change in nitrate levels? I have a large siporax media in my sump. The only way to find out if it is doing anything is to remove it, but if it is, then it may be too late to put it back in the sump again without some loss in bacterial population. I would be interested in your thought on this.

What is your current alkalinity?

Have you tried shooting pictures in "raw" mode on the iPhone? it's the digital equivalent o film "negative". you can then use a good Raw converter to develop the file. It's not as convenient but they do produce the truest colors.

By the way, great photos of your corals. Always enjoyed looking at them. Thanks for posting!

Hey thanks for the tip. I just messed around with Camera+ and shot a few pics in RAW, and then edited them on the camera+ app. They turned out really nice. I'm gunna start messing with it and see if I can't get some better pics.
I have just finished reading your entire thread. I have also watched all your Youtube videos. I was astonished that in two of the videos one person did not like what s/he watched. I sometimes find it difficult to figure out people's thinking.

You have an awesome tank. It sets a very high standard. It is a kinda benchmark for a SPS tank. I like its simplicity too.

I have two questions:

when you removed siporax, did you notice any change in nitrate levels? I have a large siporax media in my sump. The only way to find out if it is doing anything is to remove it, but if it is, then it may be too late to put it back in the sump again without some loss in bacterial population. I would be interested in your thought on this.

What is your current alkalinity?


Alk stays around 7-8.

I don't think I had enough siporax to really made an impact. They started collecting a lot of detritus, so I just pulled them out.
Took these pics with a new app I downloaded, it's called aquarium cam. They turned out ok

What's the link to the YouTube vids ? Would love to watch them too! Tanks is AMAZING

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Cool. Crazy colonies you have.
What does the app do? Fix white balance?

Something like that.
Basically it's like a gel filter with out using a gel filter. Not sure it was worth $3, but I wanted to try it out.
I haven't been able to get decent pics with my iPhone XS. My old iPhone 7 with a gel filter took perfect pics. I did just buy a new gel filter that covers both cameras on the new phone, maybe that will help.

This is what it looks like
Last week I took my canopy down and replaced all my T5 bulbs. Snapped some top down pics while it was off.





It's crazy to see these colonies from top down. I didn't even realize how big they are. They are def outgrowing the tank. I'm gunna buy a hand saw and try to cut bigger pieces, cuz my fish are running out of room to swim. Hahaha