So I am debating getting the local aquarium manufacturer to build me two water reservoirs. One for RO and one for fresh saltwater. The Profilux ATO and AWC systems will utilize the reservoirs. I am not skilled enough to make a system that automatically makes new saltwater based on conductivity and a salt hopper. I will still make the SW by hand, ~60-100g at a time. The system will change ~10g a week, or around 15% a month.
I am thinking the RO stacked over the SW, as many have already done. A manual valve to dump RO into the SW reservoir. An ATO pump will be located in the RO resevoir to take care of tank evaporation issues. I will have the RODI machine on a timed solenoid so it only turns on once a day, or maybe even once every couple days to ensure a good volume of water goes through the RODI membranes.
The SW reservoir will have a mixing pump, heater & transfer pump which will be controlled by the profilux. If I was smarter I could design a solenoid system that reduced my needs to one pump but I'm not that crafty

The lower sump on my main system will have a dirty SW pump that empties a chamber (lower left, bottom sump). Once the profilux level sensor detects it's empty, it will shut that pump off and turn the transfer pump on until it reaches the full level sensor then shut off. Voila, water change
Anyone have suggestions or ideas? I may have it so I can add some probes as well. I bought an expansion box for the profilux so I can level sensors to the two reservoirs which will let me know if they are too full, too low, wrong temp and maybe even salinity in the fresh SW reservoir.
Thanks for the help!