SCUBA Input Needed

Who does think guy think he is?

Who does think guy think he is?

who is this Jay guy?
He is obviously someone who wants to offend everyone he comes in contact w/. First off this isnt high school or college and we arent writing essays asking for correction in grammar. This is a forum to post questions about other peoples experiences and ideas. second, i cant believe that you are so offended by a grammatical error, when you personally compared someone to a RETARD!!!!! That is offensive to the entire world!
you are kidding me right? Then a comment about someone being ghetto, which is total slang the way you used it. I guarantee there are plenty of people who have came from the ghetto that are in fact smarter than you. So to say someone is ghetto, has no meaning and you arent using the noun correctly when you use it to describe someone.
Then you compare a person to the GHETTO folks that your daughter dates!!!!! who wear their pants around their ankles. thats hillarious, maybe you should spend some time parenting instead of correcting grammar, or maybe she just wants something totally different from her dousche of a dad!

I think you are a disgrace to RC, for bashing someone that only had 3 or 4 posts. This makes people not want to be invovled w/ this forum because you feel the need to attack someone OFF TOPIC! stick to the thread dousche. I cant believe the Mod even allowed the Retard comment to stay, i hope one day your daughter and her ghetto soon to be babies daddy dont have any issues w/ their childrens health, maybe like mental retardation. we all know you wouldnt be able to handle the fact that the child wouldnt be able to read write or spell.
You are not only a disgrace to RC but a disgrace to the human race!!!!! people like you are the reason the human race isnt evolving, you probably run around w/ a white sheet on your head selling websters dictionaries. go listen to some Bob Marley w/ your "ghetto" son in law, and figure out how to love someone who is a little different from you.
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OK folks, lets get back to discussing diving. We've got two newbies here in this thread, including the OP. Let's show them how friendly divers can be, instead of how argumentative ;)
Oh FTexas, I don't even know where to begin...

You need to begin a sentence with capital letters, not lower case.

When referring to yourself it's 'I', not 'i'. Again this is a case issue since you're referring to yourself in the first person.

Your post is then filled with numerous grammatical, punctuation, dangling participles and incomplete sentence errors.

Your rant on this issue would be far better received by making your points in a more logical and structered manner . ;)

tgreene -

FTexas: "First off this isnt high school or college and we arent writing essays asking for correction in grammar. This is a forum to post questions about other peoples experiences and ideas."

That was his main point (and it's a good one).

Everyone - Please read billsreef's post and just LET IT GO.

I just came on here for some advice, not to be aggressively berated for a minor grammatical error (or to be called retarded or ghetto for that matter). The word "retard" in and of itself is innately offensive. It made me (and makes other new posters no doubt) never want to post here again.

Thanks again to everyone who decided to just be helpful - very much appreciated.
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I appoligize for my lack of spacing. My laptop is missing 25 keys. My 2 year old decided I didn't need them. One of them is the spacebar. And I'm a hunt and peck typer as it is :)
Thank you for the information. It's been very helpful.
I live in Alaska and I'm a bit of a freeze baby, so I'm interested to see how people get training here.

BTW, I reread my post and I didn't see the word input in the post. I'm aware of the spelling.
Have you considered diving in the states??? key west has a reef line almost 100 miles long and ranges from 5-150 feet and you wont be breathing subpar air.... just something to think about.
KWCB -- I'm looking for someone to dive w/ in Key West on Monday March 8th...

We're leaving out of Ft.Lauderdale for a cruise on the 7th, and will be spending the following day in Key West before heading to the Caymans. I'm doing a "snuba" thing with my wife in the morning since she's not yet a diver, but will have most of the afternoon available from about noon to 3:30 or 4:00 since the ship pull sout at 5:00.

I cannot get PM's here, so if interested just reply in this thread.
Where to Dive--Bonaire

Where to Dive--Bonaire

If you want the best overall carribean diving for your 1st trip---go Bonaire!

Diving actively for 35+ years at most of the islands and to Bonaire 14 times. You can't beat it for quality of marine life and easy entry from boat or shore. Best dollar value and extremely new diver friendly. Caymans are great, but Bonaire is better, unless you are hung up on deep wall diving.

Dr. Bob
I appoligize for my lack of spacing. My laptop is missing 25 keys. My 2 year old decided I didn't need them. One of them is the spacebar. And I'm a hunt and peck typer as it is :)
Thank you for the information. It's been very helpful.
I live in Alaska and I'm a bit of a freeze baby, so I'm interested to see how people get training here.

BTW, I reread my post and I didn't see the word input in the post. I'm aware of the spelling.

Hi JstDv8;
Look into Dive Alaska, they are located close to REI in Spenard. You might consider doing a Referral Course. In a referral course you do all the book work and pool work in Alaska and then do the actual dives someplace warm. You could do the whole class here and go to Whittier to do the actual dives but it is cold. If you do the certification in July/August you could dive with a 7mm wetsuit with a hood but it would be chilly. I noticed they had one class at Dive Alaska where the entire class went to Hawaii for the final. :dance: Good luck and happy diving.
Yeah, but when the first person has already done the offending, I'm not particularly interested in "not offending" back. :D

The "Me and ____" phrase has become so commonplace anymore that it's become a cultural stigma. It goes with, "Yo," "Sup," "Jus' chillin'," and, "Naw, officer, that's not my weed."

...Another pet peeve is the use of the word, "at" at the end of a sentence... As in, "Where are you at?" There's just no reason for it, as "Where are you" works just fine. Again, it's a cultural thing, to speak like a retard and give the impression that you're "ghetto" or "from da hood," when in reality you're actually a very pretty blonde girl from an upper middle class family.

Even worse are those people who drop the "are" in the above sentence and simply say, "Where you at?" This is not an accident - this is purposely speaking in a fashion that paints you as a member of a social group. The speaker usually knows not to end a sentence with a preposition, but chooses to do so anyway in order to pretend to be a part of something that they're not.

By the way, it's the same social group that failed the first grade, wears their pants around their knees (offensively showing their underwear) and wears their hats sideways and shirts fifteen sizes too large. Why anyone would actively attempt to identify themselves as a part of such a mentally challenged group of individuals, I have no idea.

As a side note, I am watching two of them right now on another episode of "World's Dumbest Criminals." It seems that when the cops showed up, they were unable to run because their untied shoes and extreme-sized pants prevented a fast getaway. Please explain to me why you would want to be affiliated with these kinds of people.

When a young man shows up looking for one of my daughters with his pants hanging off his butt, I take my favorite comedian's advice and bring out the staple gun. "Son," I say, "Obviously you're going to have a problem keeping your pants on tonight, so to ensure that somehow they don't come off during the course of the evening, I'm going to staple them to your hips for you." :D

If they ever come back a second time (and they rarely do), they're sure to wear a belt. :D[/QUOTE

my feelings exactly! and thank you for the staple gun tip !
also has the original poster considered Cozumel?