Scuzy's new 210 Build

Scuzy's new 210 Build

Thanks. I just ran more cables and configure the uv flow. Will drain the tank this weekend and get it back into the wall position. Hopefully I will have the light canopy base attached to the wall beams. Then I can put the sand in and get the the ro/di water filled. Start my cycle.

I got a bunch of rocks in the bin finishing soaking after bleaching it a few weeks ago. Next is to dry them out and start using my Marco E400 to sculpt a few pieces into a shape I like and creat my rock sculpture. This will be pretty fun.

I won't have much time to work on his next week as I will be in Hawaii to get away from the Super Bowl traffic nightmare that weekend. I hope to resume work on this guy and have the house start looking clean again. The Mrs. Is starting to complain about fish stuff everywhere. :)
Thanks yeah this time around it better not have bryopsis. Been such a hard battle.

Sorry to hear, I'm sure you've tried Tech M, and if you have I'm surprised it hasn't worked for you. Seems to be working for many, including myself, albeit slow.

I hope you never get that god awful scum again. Nice reboot!!!
Sorry to hear, I'm sure you've tried Tech M, and if you have I'm surprised it hasn't worked for you. Seems to be working for many, including myself, albeit slow.

I hope you never get that god awful scum again. Nice reboot!!!

Thanks for the compliment.
When I started reading your original tank build thread, I wondered if you would end up regretting the 160 pounds of sand. Are you still using a DSB in the new tank? I have been battling a GHA/bryopsis, or dino problem for months, and have been told the nutrients from my sand bed are feeding the algae.
I will be using black sand in the new build butba very shallow layer. Like maybe 100lbs instead of 200 in the last build.
Scuzy's new 210 Build


Working ok my floating canopy base today. Will mounting it to the studs on the tomorrow hopefully.
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Got a little work done today. I got the base to my floating canopy on. Now pushed the tank into its spot. Also started putting all the reactors back in.




Very nice. Love the floating canopy idea. Will you put it on rails so that it moves forward and back when you need to service the tank?
Actually the canopy will slide in and will have hanging support in the front case i need to do some work in the tank.
here is a sketchup of what my canopy will do



this should allow me to raise and lower the canopy via two attach support wires.
Scuzy's new 210 Build

finally finish the sketches





Put the vertex calcium reactor in. Placement of other reactors. Have the masterflex plumb to the calcium reactor.



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Thanks just got back from Hawaii and now the build continues. I was pretty bum that i didn't get to snorkel at Hamauna Bay since they had a power issue and closed the park. i would of gone diving but i found that my dive mask had a leak and decided i didn't want to rent a mask and also leave my pregnant wife by herself.