Scuzy's new 210 Build

Thanks just got back from Hawaii and now the build continues. I was pretty bum that i didn't get to snorkel at Hamauna Bay since they had a power issue and closed the park. i would of gone diving but i found that my dive mask had a leak and decided i didn't want to rent a mask and also leave my pregnant wife by herself.

Don't be, you made very wise decisions! Just another reason for you to go back. It's good you made that pregnant wife first!

Now go back to work and finish that tank :lolspin:

Almost finish the Plumbing of the reactors.
Question about putting your probes in the sump. i am also setting up an emerald sump (mine is the 34). have you already tried putting your probes in the built-in probe holder? they don't seem to fit very well. i have only tried the temp probe so far but it doesn't seem to fit in any of the holes. thoughts? your build looks great, by the way!
Thanks i only use orp, ph, and conductivity probes in the holder. I don't. Put the temp probe in there. I also have a emerald 34 on my 70 oceanic tech tank and never really put the temp probe in there. I have the temp probe in the overflow in that one as well.
I love my Trigger Systems sump, but I found the probe holder(s) to be inadequate. Instead I used the Neptune magnetic holder and it holds all my probes perfectly, nice and solid.
Scuzy's new 210 Build

Well a productive day. Got the canopy made. Just bed painting and get the wall support.

