Sea Side Aquatics CS2 Skimmer - Review??


New member
Does anyone know about this skimmer? Will it be adequate for FOWLR (135g)?


Model: Sea Side Aquatics CS2
Needle wheel protein skimmer
Reactor room: Cone
Pump: Sicce Syncra PSK-1000
Pump power: 110V, 60Hz
Capability: 230G Water
Air intake: 780L/H
Product size: 11" * 9" * 21"
I've been using the CS2 skimmer for about 6 months. Overall it is working well for me. It pretty quite and collecting about 2 cups of skimmate a week. I'm running it on a 90 gallon reef tank. For the price its been a good skimmer. Here is a picture.
