seahorses in 5.5 gal nano?


New member
I wanted to get feedback from anyone keeping seahorses in a nano tank ( under 10 gallons ). I have a 5.5 gal nano reef tank and I wasnt sure if that is possible or not. I know horses need low water flow and like to be in species tanks. My tank has no other livestock, only ricordia coral, feather duster, some zoo's and yellow polyps.. It has been established for 8 months now and is stable, amn,ni & na are at 0.0.. The LFS has some horses that are eating frozen mysis very well, are about 2.5 -3.5" and are yellow ( redi ? not sure ) would a pair have enough space ? appreciate feedback
Anyone ?...I was just reading old threads and it looks like 5.5 gal would not be big enough unless they were dwarf SH's....Maybe I have answered my own question, but if anyone has any input speak up....thanks
Right, nano reefs are not a good setup for any seahorse. The typical species that you would find in a LFS.. reidi, kuda and erectus.. are all relatively big species, from 5-8".. and need their space, specifically vertical height. The basic tank that is recommended is a 29gallon for these species, with some people getting by with a 20H for a pair of SH.

A 5.5gal would be an okay starting tank for H. zosterae, but not in the setup you currently have. Unfortunately with this species the tank needs to be designed around them and not amended later.

It sounds like a very nice little nano though, have you looked into any of the smaller nano safe fishes for some activity in there?

After reading some of the threads and your notes ( thanks ) I agree that it just wont work. It is a bit hard since I think these are fascinating creatures, but I would hate to get some and watch them suffer...I will get a small goby or something of that nature..I knew when I set up this nano that I would be restricted due to its size, but it fits nicely on my desk and is fun to watch.

thanks again, Sarah
I would love to get a bigger tank than my 5g but right now I just dont have the space on my desk for a bigger tank....Maybe when I get that corner office LOL