Active member
Here are a few quick shots:
Beautiful corals and beautiful pics!
Love that clam, also.
Here are a few quick shots:
I like #1 and the clam the best. Clams can be tough as they always seem to be moving a bit. They look dark to me though. I'll bring my spectrometer over and we can calibrate your monitor and I'll show you how to process for good exposure without blown highlights. Great start, can't wait to see more.
Love those Rastas!!
Great tank. Everything looks great. I love the acro on the top of post #94 along with that clan.
Despite your recent issues your tank is looking fantastic! I'm glad you got it figured out. I had the same problem with a MP40 rusting, which I blamed for some issues I was having at the time.
Ever since you sent me that pic I've been vigilant over my vortecs! I've had 2 magnets bust and separate but that happened in storage not in tank. I'm sure things will be back in no time!
Wow.. That's crazy. Good to see you got to it in time.
So, your tank continues to live up to the name of your thread!
Still looks pretty good.
The fts is impressive.
Tank looks really nice man:beer:
Absolutely love the morphology of mature corals!
Very nice, how do you like the porthole?
Also, do you clean your sandbed during water changes?
Thank you!
I agree regarding the mature form of colonies. You don't get to see this without adequately random flow, and more importantly, leaving the damn things alone and not cutting every branch you can to sell frags lol.