SeanT 's 300 gallon Cube-esque project.

Great stuff Sean. Let me know if you need help here in Wilmington. Cant wait to see the finshed tank in person.
Sean where you at? Just saw you in Petco the other day, not buying fish I hope :beer:.
Hope everything is good with you. The RO/DI is still working great. I am almost finished with my 125 build. You should check it out.
Man that sucks to read this and no updates. No FTS I'm super curious how your plans worked out for flow and detritus movement. I'm also curious if you figured out your planned detritus drain. Let me know what has worked and what hasnt. I love the tank dimensions.
Sorry gang I totally forgot about this thread and was just reminded.

Here is a pic from today.

The SPS were grown out from tiny frags...not the Acans lol


I'll take some pics and post it up.
any updates? found the homepage link from the mp60 concern thread.

i'd love to see a nice barebottom as that is what my plans are too.
Sorrry for the late reply.
This acrylic tank cracked.
I am currently in the process of setting up a 4'x4'x24" starphire glass custom cube from Miracles.
Ouch! Sorry to hear that Sean!
Glad to see you didnt quit the hobby completely over that.

Did you lose any livestock, or were you able to get everything out before it went?

Brutal crack. Who was the manufacturer? You can see the crack in his picture link at the top of the page.
Just an added thought.
I will NEVER own another acrylic tank, and it has nothing to do with the tank cracking.
Whereas I liked the flexibility, and ease, of drilling the tank at home (a well thought out glass tank can be drilled in advance).

I hate, and I do not use the word "hate" very often, how easily it is to scratch acrylic.
I run a barebottom tank and have scratches everywhere.

I swear it seems that a fish rubbing against the pane scratches them. :(