SeanT 's 300 gallon Cube-esque project.

SeanT -do you have any pictures of your Balling Salts Containers and doser set-up? I hear you back lit the balling chambers
Small update.

I just replaced my 100 gpd 4 stage RODI unit with a 6 stage 300 gpd unit, with three digital TDS units, today.

Original unit.


New unit.

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Secured a 2" x 6" to 3 studs for added strength.


Hung unit to make sure it fits.
As you can see in these pics, due to its weight, the bottom half leans towards the wall.


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I built a spacer to ensure that the bottoms of the canisters were not able to lean toward the wall.

The sides sticking out ensure that the dryer can not be pushed towards the wall close enough to contact the RODI unit.


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The canister on the left is a second DI chamber.
It is actually the last stage.
The output water of the unit is plumbed into it.
It helps to "ensure the water is at its purest state".
Sean, how is the output of your unit? I have mine hooked up just like yours (the actual physical hookup with the y connector the the cold side of the washer) and I am having issues with the amount of output. The water coming into the unit is colder than when I had it in the bathroom, so I am sure that has something to do with it. I am thinking of getting a pressure pump to kick my pressure up a bit.
Hey Matt,
To be honest, I just set it up last night and ran it enough to fill it with water and ensure there were no leaks.
I plan on running it tonight and I will let you know for sure.
Nice unit but I am curious how it actually makes 300gpd. I am a bit suspicious about that claim from that type of filtration unit.
I ran it tonight and with the ball valve closed on one of the membranes it took about 55 minutes to make 5 gallons.

It did output about 30% less waste water than my other unit.

I will keep tweaking the ball valve to optimize performance.
With it fully open I am only running at 40 psi.
As you mentioned, the water is pretty cold right now too.

I may look into a booster pump.

Any TDS readings on the outflow?

Based on 5 gallons per 55 minutes your looking at 120g/day +/- 10 gallons.

Does the setup interfere with your washer?
How is your RO/DI unit so far? I am consider getting this exact unit myself so I would like to heard your experience on it first hand.