September Meeting?


New member
Are we going to definitely have a Sept meeting? I know Rob volunteered to have it, but I'm not sure if we decided to go with it.

I think we should try to have a set weekend or at least the 1st or 2nd wkend of every month. I the case of the latter, majority could rule. That way we don't run into CMAS's wkend and we don't need to worry about having our's too close together. What does everyone think??????
I think having a meeting designated on a certain weekend of the month would work out well. That way everybody pretty much knows when the next one is going to be...which I'm sure is why Rob suggested trying to get the schedule for the rest of the year done.

Good idea though.

I don't think we are actually having a sept meeting. However if we do a group buy of some sort this month we will have to come together to pick that stuff up and it seems when we get together out jaws start flapping(which is the whole point anyway). I need to finallize my work schedule and see when I could deal with recieveing an order. Hope to e-mail everyone the information by the end of the week.