I kinda have a new appreciation for water maintenance , I had noticed a shift in algea species in the couple of weeks leading upto the day when I decided to check the kh.
Anyway TDFuego completely RTNed . Honestly does not bother me one bit as the rest of them seem unaffected.
These past 6 weeks I have been daily testing and doing water treatment to a couple of pools and spas. Part of the testing include free chlorine, total and combined chlorine, ORP,
iron,copper,phosphate,calcium,alkalinity and ph amongst others.
Keeping swimming pool water parameters in check has been fascinating. The relationship between ph , temp, kh and calcium is just as relevant for pools as it is for our reef aquariums. Before I could perform any water treatment I first had to balance these parameters and there after proceed to deal with the issue of say phosphate for instance.
Having humans enter the pool affected the water chemistry in a big way.
The lessons I took from this and applying them to a small fish tank such as mine would be to keep your hands out of there as much as practically possible.
Here are the dosing rigs!