Hello Flo Andrew Matt and Mark
Matt, the Siporax is back in the coast to coast
Andrew , yes I noticed the shift in colour toward pale as well as improved biofilm production on the glass as less algea tended to populate the glass.
This weekend I replaced three T5 with new and fitted two weeks that were three months old, this is my attempt to kick start these babies which seem to be plodding along.
Taking it easy (see below)with all the dosing of supplements, looking to see the effect of the new T5 on the SPS.
Haven't noticed anything remarkable since adding Zeo AA CV and sponge power to the tank every alternative day for two weeks.
Let's talk modularity for a minute.
As you can see in this photo above , it shows the modular design of this reef, the concept of mounting my frag plug onto a bigger grow plug was copied straight from Biggles reef.
Here you can see the mounted plug slipped off the structure during the night.
Need to try a new type of super glue to hold the plug down.
Mounting the frags this way has many advantages for my reef.
Firstly the islands can be removed from the tank as there are three separate structures.
The frag can be re attached in situ or with the island removed.
A dead frag can be replaced easily with this method.
An infection or bugs (hope never happens) can be treated easily.
Bigger plug means basing onto plug, some basing is resulting in new growth tips around the base which I'm really pleased about.