Looks fantastic. Have you tested for PO4 or NO3 lately?
I had chronic low KH for a while and a Red Dragon and one frag of a blue stag up and died while everything else was apparently unaffected. Odd reaction, I try not to think about it.
Gents, cheers for the replies!
As you can see , I really like giving this tank a good clean. Yes, the coast to coast got the treatment deserving and is now quite presentable. The filth that came out was certainly worthy of what you would call a spring clean!
Tested the water today after feeding the tank one cube of lobster eggs yesterday and withholding food. Kh is 7.0
Phosphate :
Nitrate :
As for the rest of the tests I will post them over the next couple of days.
As far as dosing goes , daily 2ml nitrate 1ml phosphate which is 10ppm and 1ppm
Then it goes 2 drops Lugols and 2ml 50/50 Salifert trace hard / koral color every other day
With 1ml to 2ml Iodion per week.
The other tricks are 4 drops sponge power and 4 drops Amino acid daily with 2 drops bio-mate per week.
Tank looks awesome. I'm curious. I've been told by someone who grew amazing sps "keep your hands out of the tank as much as possible". What parameter swings/changes have you seen in testing with frequently having hands in water?
Hi @bashment,
All I know is that sunscreen is not good for the reef be it your fish tank or nature, I also know that skin creams play havoc with water parameters in swimming pools too.
Recently migrated my Siporax into the sump leaving me no choice but to redesign the sump plumbing and added a fan in there to enhance the cooling as we hit 35 to 38 degrees this week. Out with the old-
In with the new -
And here is my favourite looking the nicest I've ever seen it
Corals are looking amazing slin! I especially like the shape that each base has. I've been following along quietly as I've been interested in your coral placement, in particular just how close one coral could/can be placed to one another. Keep up the good work.
Cheers guys , thank you for the kind comments from you gurus, certainly put a smile on my face after a long day at work. Pls excuse the dirty glass , haven't cleaned it for days.
Thanks mate - I have to thank Chris for picking out the bold and beautiful contrast in colours I have. The boys from sustainable reefs took a punt on a reefer visiting them whilst on holiday. Happy to share my little babies development and progress with you.
Hey, I finally did it, dusted the camera and took a shot, as you can see they are straight off the camera, maybe one day Ill learn how to process photos, baby steps for now, cheers!
Hi guys and gals,
I removed the sandbed two weeks ago and siphoned the last bit of gravel out last night.
I have knocked a few sps over recently as the pebbles I used when making the frag plugs don't stick to the epoxy. Not to worry....
I was really excited about my tank and made a little video for you...
Please turn the sound down - I had the filters on full clean mode making noise and the shower was on.
That piece has a very rough tissue. Seems like it has a ton of little bubbles underneath. Has it always been that way? You posted a picture a couple of months back of another piece of yours with similar tissue.
Some of my sps developed that same tissue but sometimes goes away. Would you happen to know what causes the abnormal growth?
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